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Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off Page 6

  "You know, I don't really know. Heath's house is the one we grew up in. Maybe because I was the first to move out? Next thing I knew they just moved in with me. Then, when momma left, they stayed. Rafe has been making changes to his house over the years. Heath hasn't changed a thing. And Jan, she moved into hers the day she got married, and it has been an uphill climb for her. She won't let us help, but we see them struggling."

  "Didn't she get an inheritance, too?” She was trying to remember as much information as she could about his complex family relationships. She was an only child, so there was never anyone to debate with, share secrets with, or any of those fun things. Just her girlfriends, and since they each in their own way thought they were better than her, she kept her secrets to herself. Jack talked more than any man she had ever known, personal conversation anyways. Her father and Douglas could talk business for hours, but she never could hold a real conversation with either of them.

  "No, not yet. The will was very clear. We have to be over twenty-five, married, or wait until our sixtieth birthday.” Jack smiled. “I think he did it because he wanted us to at least be old enough to make smart decisions. Of course, we'll be married by the time we are all sixty. It just gave us a little push to think about it sooner rather than later."

  "So, why haven't you all married before now?"

  "That, my sweet wife, is the question everyone asks.” He looked at her and winked. Strange how such a simple gesture sent goose bumps down her arms. It was delightful to have his attention.

  "At first, we rebelled against it. We didn't need the money, and we didn't want it if we had to get married in order to get it. Ranching isn't easy, and women can get in the way. We all worked outside the ranch, saving and building. Of course, a couple years passed, and we realized even with our jobs, especially with our jobs, there was no way to work and build the ranch."

  "So, you decided to come to Vegas and get hitched?” She nodded, ignored the part about women getting in the way, and smiled. “I understand."

  "No. You don't. I was supposed to bring my ex-girlfriend to Vegas and get hitched.” He snorted.

  "What?” She sat up straighter and looked at him. Something inside her was fired by his revelation. It was not anger exactly. Maybe hurt, but that did not make sense. As the next words fell out of her mouth, she knew exactly what it was. Jealousy. “What bitch were you planning on marrying, Jack Johnson?"

  "Christina, we dated off and on since high school, so I figured it had to mean something, right?” Jack shrugged as though it meant nothing. “She's a nice girl really."

  "No. That doesn't mean anything.” She still peered at him as she crossed her arms. Christina. The word was permanently branded on her skull. What did she look like? Had they been lovers? She snorted. Of course, they had been lovers. She could feel the tiny hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. She had never been so angry in all her life. To think of some other woman draped on Jack just fueled her more.

  "Okay. I thought it meant something, but then she told me she wouldn't divorce me unless I gave her half.” He shook his head again. “I have no plans of giving our money to anyone. We need it for the ranch."

  "You didn't think she knew, and you weren't planning on divorcing her, were you?” She knew the feeling in the pit of her stomach now. Loss. She had experienced it over and over with her father. Now, she knew Jack was not hers. He really cared about some other woman, and in three months, she would be out the door.

  "It's not like that at all.” He shook his head.

  "I need to use the bathroom. Can we pull over at the next stop?"

  "Are you okay, sweetheart?” he asked in a sincere tone, which alone was like tossing gasoline on her already burning flame. The nerve of him! Marrying her when he was planning to marry another woman instead! Was she okay? Yeah right, she was fine, now that she knew what kind of man he really was.

  "Fine.” She bit out.

  * * * *

  The cute little smirk was back on her face. Her nose was tilted up to the air, and she was sitting straight as a board. Jack knew he was in it. He just didn't know how deep.

  Bethany marched into the ladies’ room, handled business, and marched back to his truck. He reluctantly took his turn in the men's room. When he came back, her rump was hanging half out of the backseat of the truck. Her flip-flop sandals were on the pavement. She seemed to be digging for something in the bags.

  As he reached past to help her, she jumped and screamed.

  "It's okay.” He stroked her back and tried not to laugh as she bumped her head on the roof of the truck. “What did you need out of here? I'll pull it out."

  "Everything!” She wiggled past him and out of the truck. “I'm leaving."

  "I was afraid you might say that.” Jack shut the backdoor, leaving the bags inside. He leaned against the truck and crossed his arms then his legs. She slid the shoes back on her feet, and he took note of the bright pink nail polish and how cute her toes were. Good Lord, he was getting a foot fetish! “You're not leaving me. We had a deal."

  "Well, you broke it.” Bethany pointed at him. She was pouting one minute and ready to attack the next.

  "How?” He clenched his jaw and tried not to get mad. He had no idea she would react this way. He was explaining how he thought his old girlfriend would be a good friend and not try to rook him. He was wrong.

  "You loved her. You probably still love her. You were going to marry her for real. That's not a bad relationship, Jack. Love's not something you walk away from. It's..."

  He could not take it any longer. She was really pissing him off, but more than pissing him off, she was turning him on. She was jealous, and no woman had ever been so sincere about it. He did not love Christina, not since high school, and even then it was puppy love. Bethany mistook his intentions, and she was mad. They were making a scene in the parking lot, and he had to shut her up.

  He lifted her off the truck, grabbed her face, and kissed her mid rant. He ate the words right out of her mouth. Her hands moved to his chest to push him away, but they ended up grabbing his T-shirt and pulling him closer instead. Once Bethany whimpered, he knew it was safe to let her up for air.

  "It doesn't change anything,” she said with the weakest protest he had ever heard.

  "You changed everything. I didn't love her. I couldn't be with you like this if I did.” He kissed the top of her nose and opened the front door. What had his grandfather gotten him into? “Well?"

  Bethany tried for her air of indifference, but it was lacking since she was now all warm and fuzzy from his kiss. “Well, I don't want to be stuck out in the middle of nowhere."

  He laughed as he helped her into the truck. With a sigh, he smiled. “You'll be glad you changed your mind when we get home."

  "You're not driving straight through, are you?” Bethany asked. Apparently, she had never been on a road trip. To his way of thinking, you do not stop until you get there.

  "Hell yeah. I prefer my own bed any day.” He closed the door and headed to the driver's side. She moved to the center of the truck and leaned over to unlock the door for him. The words I love you stalled in his throat, almost paralyzing him. He realized he was just standing there with his hand on the handle.

  "Are you okay, Jack?” She smiled. Her full lips curved as her big brown eyes batted at him, taking the strength out of his knees. What the hell was going on?

  "Yeah.” He nodded, realizing he was lying. He was not okay. He was in love, or maybe just lust. He didn't know, but he did know she was going to leave him at her first opportunity. He had to make it hard for her to get a chance, at least until she gave him a real chance.

  He sat in the seat and placed a hand on her thigh. “Don't move."

  "You want me to stay here?” She was still in the center of the truck seat.

  "There's a lap belt. I like having you close by. Just in case.” He started the engine as she buckled the middle seatbelt.

  "In case what?” Bethany said with distinct hu

  "In case I need to do this.” He stroked her with two fingers, gently, from her knee to her hip then back again. The soft coordinating jumpsuit she wore was soft, like velvet. When he returned to her knee, he made the same line only this time he traced toward her inner thigh.

  "Jack. That's not funny.” She closed her eyes and let him continue to trace circles and lines over her thighs, coming close to her sex but not close enough to touch it.

  "I'm not trying to be funny.” He bit back the smile. She was so responsive to his touch he felt like a warrior. His ego pumped up as his lungs filled with her sweet scent.

  "You should be paying attention to your driving. How would you like it if I were feeling you up?” She stroked her hand along his thigh and then traced her finger over his fly. The soft touched had the desired effect but not before she pulled back with a gasp. “You're not even hard, you, you, scoundrel!"

  Fast as lightning, she undid the seatbelt and moved to her side of the truck, buckled back in, and crossed her legs. “I can't believe you were just toying with me. I mean I'm sitting here soaking myself, and you're over there just driving away."

  He smiled a devilish smile. He was just toying with her until she confessed how much she liked it. “I think you should test it again."

  "No. I will not touch it while you're driving, Jack.” He watched as she tried not to smile.

  "Fine. Touch you then. It's all I really wanted anyways.” He winked.

  She gasped again. He had shocked a few people in his lifetime, but apparently he shocked Bethany more than most. “The nerve you have! You think I'm just going to sit here and masturbate for you?"

  "What else are you going to do for the next oh, ten hours?” Jack watched the road for a moment longer then looked over to her. She was sitting there thinking about it. He knew as much because her heart was pumping her soft little jacket off her left breast like a jackrabbit kicking out of a trap. He hadn't started with these intentions, but Bethany got him going, and he didn't want to stop.

  "I can't.” She shook her head.

  "Sure you can. I'll help you. It'll make the drive more interesting.” He nodded then reached over and stroked her arm from her shoulder to her elbow. “Live a little."

  The words fell on Bethany like a warm blanket. Living a little was the point, right? She wanted to live like the woman without fear. To be in charge of her life and experience all the world had to offer. Bethany Dodson would never, ever, think of doing such a thing, but Bethany Johnson really liked the way Jack thought. It was like being in the hotel again. Anyone who drove by, though they would have to be in a truck just as high and actually look or pay attention, could see her doing it.

  "All right,” she said softly.

  Jack swerved and straightened again. He was not expecting her to actually go through with it. She liked the fact that she had shocked him for a change.

  "But not if you can't control the wheel."

  "I can, I will, I just ... I will.” He tightened two hands on the wheel for a moment.

  "Okay,” she said.

  He could feel the heat creep over his cheeks. She had him, and she knew it.

  "Where should I start?” she said in a purposely low and seductive tone.

  "Take your top off.” He could not control the timbre in his voice. He was now turned on and, as a safety precaution, put the vehicle on cruise. His foot was liable to get a little heavy.

  She unzipped the soft jacket and slid it off her arms. A plain white T-shirt was underneath. He balanced his attention between the road and Bethany. The inside of the cab was warming up even with the air on. “Shirt next."

  She pulled the top over her head slowly and folded it neatly. The stack of clothes beside her was piling up.


  "Pants.” He nodded. He swallowed the drool gathering in his mouth. She had to be the most voluptuous woman he had ever seen nude. She looked soft all over, no bones sticking out anywhere.

  "Not the bra?” Bethany licked her lips and batted her eyes. She liked this. He could feel it.

  "Not yet.” He shook his head. Oh, what had he unleashed?

  Bethany unsnapped the seatbelt and lifted her hips to remove the pants. She was not wearing little yellow ducks today. Oh no, she had a thong on.

  "Take off the thong.” He shifted uneasily. His cock strained against his fly and begged for freedom. Freedom it would not get. This was about her, at least for now.

  Slowly, she lifted her hips and pulled the thong off. She then proceeded to neatly fold the scrap of material, as if it needed to be folded, and placed it on the pants. She reached for the bra strap and stopped as another vehicle drove past.

  "I dare you,” he whispered.

  She took that challenge. She removed the bra and adjusted her position, so she faced him.

  "Shouldn't you be in the slow lane anyways?” she asked as she folded the bra and set the stack of clothes on the suitcases in the backseat.

  "I was getting over when you took off the thong, sweetheart, forgive me. I got distracted.” He laughed.

  "You're hard, aren't you?” she asked. His laugh ended in a groan.


  "So, why don't you take off your clothes?” Innocently, she quipped.

  "This isn't about me, but I will make an adjustment now you noticed.” Jack unbuttoned his jeans, and his cock sprang free. He sighed in relief. “Much better. Now back to you."

  "He looks angry.” She bit her lower lip as she looked at his dick like it was the most amazing thing she had ever seen. The way she looked at him alone was enough to make his knees weak.

  "He is angry, but he doesn't boss me. So, what are you going to do next?” He wiggled his eyebrows. He had to get the attention back where it belonged. On her. This was his fantasy, and she was fulfilling it, but he suspected she liked his wild side. His cock agreed and bounced on its own accord.

  "Take your hat off.” Bethany waited until his arm stretched over the backseat to set his cowboy hat on the luggage. As soon as it was fully extended, she ran her nails gently along his forearm. He closed then opened his right eye as goose bumps prickled along the skin beneath her fingers.

  "Now, can you drive with one hand, Cowboy?” she said in her sugar sweet voice. He was not sure where this was going, but he damn sure wanted to find out!

  "Yes.” His voice sounded deep to his own ears.

  "Good.” Bethany guided his right hand to her left breast. “You look good, Jack. Good enough to eat in fact. But since you want to make this about me, I want you to touch me and tease me and make me come."

  She lifted his fingers to her lips and kissed each one in turn. Then, she pulled the rough index finger into her mouth and sucked on it. The warmth and wetness of her mouth brought thoughts of other things being in there. It was becoming more difficult to resist her idea of playing in the truck while driving.

  "If you keep doing that, I swear I am going to come without you.” Reluctantly, he pulled his finger from her lips.

  Bethany directed his now wet finger to her nipple. He tickled it softly then tweaked it a little harder, giving a tug, making her insides like fire. She pulled the ponytail free and let her hair free. The curls bounced wildly about her head, and she didn't care. All she cared about was Jack and his fingers and how good they felt. “Mmm. Jack, oh ... you feel nice."

  "Come closer,” he drawled.

  "Move lower.” She challenged. He answered her challenge by leaning over to grab her under the knee and pulling her closer. The truck swayed a second but straightened as he did. Her eyes widened, and her lips parted. “I was going to move."

  "Spread your legs, Bethany. Let me see you.” Jack apparently found no humor in his current situation. She looked at his face. His cheeks were flushed. In his lap, a very deep red, almost purple, head lurched toward the steering wheel under her scrutiny. Satisfied that he was as turned on as she was, she propped her left leg on the seat and her right leg on the dashboard. Never in her life had she
been so exposed. The position was worse than at the gynecologist, but Jack didn't look at her like he wanted to examine her. He looked at her like he wanted to devour her. Her pussy throbbed with need. “Touch me, Jack."

  "Touch yourself.” Jack licked his lips, focused on the road, then looked back to her. “Open yourself up to me."

  She spread the slick lips, exposing what little mystery was left to Jack. The door, hard and uncomfortable, irritated her back, but there was no way she could stop. With her index and middle finger, she began circling her clit. His face grew pained, and he fought to look back toward the road.

  She was so turned on by his reaction. She was climbing up to the peak faster than she imagined possible without help. He groaned, sucked in his bottom lip, and bit down on it. He lifted his hand, pressed his index and middle finger into his mouth, and pulled them out wet. With great care, he touched them to her already weeping pussy hole. “Yes!"

  She arched into him, lifting her hips, driving the relief of those fingers deeper. “God, I needed this. Don't stop, please."

  "I may have to pull over.” His voice crackled on the air, thick with lust. He drove two seconds farther then pulled off to the side of the road. He hit the seat release, making room between him and the steering wheel.

  "Get up here, quick.” He pulled her with one hand and placed the other on top of her head, so she didn't hit the roof as she straddled his erection.

  Bethany didn't wait for his hands to land on her waist. She was wet, wanting, and she was going to take this man. She seated herself on him, taking his full thick length in one hard thrust.

  They both cried out.

  She began moving in a fast rhythm up and down on his shaft. She watched his face tighten, and his whiskey brown eyes fight to stay open. The wet slurp and slap of their bodies echoed in the small space. His scent combined with hers, filling the air and their lungs. She never knew it could be this good!

  "You are so beautiful, Bethany,” he whispered with what breath he had left.