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Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off Page 5

  Looking offended, as if he were the one being rude, they allowed him the privacy to wash his hands. As soon as the door shut, he heard them start in on Bethany again. He waited to turn on the water. He wanted to hear what they had to say, how much they influenced her.

  "You are not married to some strange man!” He recognized the Spanish woman's voice. No Spanish accent, she just reminded him of someone from Spain or Puerto Rico, someplace exotic, like she looked, like a Spanish Rose.

  "Your parents are going to kill you and him!” Miss Brown Sugar pointed out.

  "He has a really big dick, Bethany. I know you didn't sleep with him,” Miss Blonde Ambition commented.

  He turned on the water. He was not going to leave her out there to fight those crazy bitches alone, and they had to be crazy. The conversation had totally drifted from being about Bethany to the size of his cock. If these were her friends, who were her enemies? He thought about that as he opened the door. Maybe she only married him to escape trouble.

  "You ready to go, sweetheart?” Jack looked over all of them toward the only woman in the room worth looking at.

  "She's not going anywhere.” Brown Sugar crossed her arms and stared at him. Blonde Ambition started up next.

  "Look here, buddy. You can't just walk in here with your big dick in hand and think we are going to turn our friend over to you. Plans have been made, invitations sent out."

  As she said it, he could feel the blonde looking him up and down. Yesterday morning she would have been everything he wanted to marry and divorce. Blonde, tall, beautiful, and somewhat deprived apparently. But now, all he wanted was Bethany, his warrior looking back at him with eyes silently pleading for his understanding.

  "Katie, will you stop with the man's dick size?” Spanish Rose stepped up to him. “Look, our friend here has made a huge mistake. She can't get married in Las Vegas. I mean she doesn't even know you. So, if you'll just leave, we'll take it from here."

  "Bethany, what do you need me to carry?” he asked as if the other women did not exist. He watched her back straighten and her chin lift as the look of stubbornness and propriety took over, and he prayed whatever came next, it would not be directed at him.

  "Jack, darling, grab my bags. They match this.” She held up her little purse.

  Bethany walked to the bed, which was still made, picked up the matching cosmetic bag and a larger purse with a phone hanging off the side. He grabbed the large and small suitcase and carried them by the handle. She sure did not pack light.

  "Ladies. It's been fun all these years, but it's over,” she said.

  Bethany marched out the door, and he followed. Once they were both on the outside, she turned back to face three shocked women. Jack feared she was changing her mind, but her posture had not changed a bit.

  "Katie, Rosetta, Mercedes. I love you. I really do, but I am an adult not a child. I don't need your support or approval. If you really want to be friends, you will respect my decisions. I never judged you, Katie, even though you try to sleep with any guy who gives you the time of day. Mercedes, I never told anyone how you were cheating on Rodney the first three months of your marriage. Rosetta ... Rosie ... I know you want to be diplomatic and be all things to all people, but you are not my mom, old friend, which means you should stop fucking my dad!"

  She slammed the door. He was certain he felt as much shock as her friends.

  "So, where do we live?” she asked as if she had not just rocked everyone's world in that room. He took a moment to collect his thoughts.

  Bethany headed toward the elevator, and Jack followed behind her. He never wanted to be on the receiving end of this woman's wrath. No one would see it coming because she seemed so meek and mild mannered. The little lady he met in the bar was like a viper. If she got coiled up, a strike was deadly.

  "Montana,” he said as he set the bag down in the elevator.

  "It has wheels.” She reached over and tried to pull the case upright. He grabbed the side handle and righted the suitcase on the small wheels. Bethany unzipped a small patch of material on the top and pulled up a handle. Well, that explained how she carried the damn thing. It weighed a ton.

  "Thanks. I was wondering if you pushed it to the airport. It's heavy.” He attempted to lighten the mood.

  He placed the smaller one on top, and Bethany pointed to the strap, which apparently attached it to the larger bag. He would not feel like an idiot. No sir. Men did not carry fancy bags. He carried a plain black duffle for crying out loud.

  "It has a lot of stuff in it. I didn't plan on going back home right away. I mean I didn't know I would be going to Montana either. I had planned to stay here in Vegas a while.” She looked at the small phone. As if she had revived it, the ring tone began, sounding like a soundtrack from an oriental restaurant. The chimes played, but she ignored it.

  "Do you need to get it?” He was getting nervous. She had not let down her businesslike posture one bit. There was a lot going on. He planned to meet a woman and dupe her. Now, he had the sneaking suspicion he had just been duped!

  "No. It's my mother. I'll call when we get to Montana. We will be leaving today, right?” Bethany looked at him, and for a fleeting moment, he read insecurity and fear in her eyes. Then, they tightened back into a no nonsense expression.

  "I'll grab my bag, and we can leave now if you like.” He rubbed his forehead.

  This was not exactly what he planned. He needed to tell his brothers he was coming home and tell Bethany they all lived in one house temporarily. His sister was the only one who had gotten married so far. To save on expenses, his two brothers moved into his place.

  "Can we grab breakfast first?” She sighed and visibly relaxed. “Then, we can hash out our own arrangement as well."

  Now, Jack put on the business face. “Sounds good."

  Chapter 5

  Bethany took a shower as Jack ordered room service. She contemplated how much she wanted to tell him and how much she wanted to keep to herself. When she entered the great room, she realized she wanted to tell him everything. For that reason alone, she could not. Jack was already getting under her skin and not just because he made her feel beautiful, sexy, and wild. He did all those things, yes, but even with all of her perky friends surrounding him, he only watched her. He did not care what they said or did; he was on her side.

  Never in her life had anyone chosen her over them. Douglas had even slept with Katie. Though he refused to admit it, she knew. The same way she found out about her dad and Rosie. The house staff told her. Malina had been her nanny since childhood, the only person who really cared for her. She encouraged her to escape.

  She dressed in her favorite J-Lo jogging suit, perfect for travel. She would not say she looked like the star, but the suit was made for a woman's body and accentuated hers without making her look fat. Bethany took one last look in the mirror then entered the room.

  Jack sat at a table with a cup of coffee in his hand and stared out the balcony doors, which he had opened. She could not help but appreciate his profile. His strong nose and jawline gave him the look of a man who could easily dress in the finest clothes and walk on a runway for Calvin Klein or Ralph Lauren, but Jack sat there in a plain black T-shirt and well fitting Levi's, drinking coffee, oblivious to the world around him.

  "You're doing it again.” He smiled and then set the coffee cup on the table.

  "How do you know when I'm staring at you?” She walked over and took the seat across from him. He started to stand, but she waved him down. “You don't have to pull my chair out anymore. I'm yours. You got me."

  He seemed bristled by her comment, and she felt a lecture coming on.

  "I'm a real gentleman. Most of the time anyways, and you are a lady whether I hooked you or not. Which by the way, I should remind you, it was you who called me the chicken and goaded me down the aisle.” Jack nodded. “So, as you eat your cold breakfast, I have a few things I need to explain."

  "Okay.” Bethany removed the plate cover an
d realized the food was still warm but not hot. She poked at the eggs while he talked.

  "I live on a ranch. It's nothing fancy, but it's mine, well ours. My brothers are there. We all live in my house right now because it's a big house, and until this weekend, we were all bachelors. It saved on money for us to live in one house rather than be spread out, paying utilities and what not for three.” Jack pulled the coffee to his lips. He took a fortifying gulp, looked at her as if he were gauging her reaction, then continued. “They will move over to Heath's place since it's finished, but it may take a week or two. Until they get out, it will be the four of us."

  "Okay.” Bethany started eating. This was not bad news at all. She had never been part of a large family. As an only child, she had been a miniature adult most of her life. Her three friends were the closest to siblings she had, and they were all just as spoiled and privileged as she was.

  Jack obviously was not expecting such an easy agreement. “So, you will be okay with living in a house with three grown men?"

  "Sure.” She shrugged, not understanding why he seemed unsure.

  "You're okay around animals, right?"

  "Your brothers aren't animals, Jack. I'm sure I will be fine.” She waved it off. She did not know why he was making such a big deal over nothing.

  "My brothers? Right. Well okay. As long as you're okay with it, I'm okay with it.” Jack shook his head. “Now, what do you want from this situation?"

  "Your last name and a job.” She looked at him. All male, he probably thought she would stay home and cook and clean ... her temper flared. “And I will work, Jack Johnson, and make my own money, and I will work. You won't stop me!"

  "Fine by me. I'd just as soon keep our finances separate, all things considered.” He lifted his coffee mug to her like a toast then took another drink.

  For some reason, the thought of keeping things separate hurt her feelings. No, she did not expect him to want to stay married, but did he have to be so blunt about it? Yes, she wanted independence, but on some level, she realized she wanted him to want her. To be the big brooding man he was and stake a claim. “So, I'll open my own account. In three months time, I should have a job, enough money saved to get my own place, and we can go our separate ways."

  "It may take longer than three months for my paperwork to go through. The lawyer has to check in on us, and he has to believe we will be married a reasonable amount of time. At the end of three months, he will release the money to my account, and I can finally get enough equipment to really start the ranch.” Jack turned the coffee cup in a circle on the table not looking up at her.

  "I'll stay as long as you need me to. After three months, I'll chip in, but you have to give me those three months to find a job. I'm not taking a dime from my daddy, well no more than what I already have anyways.” Bethany was not about to tell him how much it was, but she had enough to stay in Vegas a while, so it should be enough to put down roots in Montana.

  "Sounds fair. So, we will set this aside and in three months revisit the issue.” He sipped the last of his coffee and stood. “In the meantime, we will act like newlyweds. You ready?"

  "As I'll ever be.” Bethany took a deep breath and smiled. This was a new beginning. A fresh start. Her chance of a lifetime. And she was damn sure going to take it!

  * * * *

  "I bet you'll hate giving this thing up.” Bethany looked at the truck and nodded.

  "Why would I give her up?” He loaded her suitcases and his duffle bag in the back seat. She was wearing some soft, little outfit. It made her curves stand out, and his libido kick into overdrive. He had not been this insatiable since he was a teen, and yet here he was, eyeing her at any possible moment and so turned on by the way she looked at him it was impossible to keep his hands off of her.

  "You mean this isn't the rental from the airport?” She gave him a new expression, one indicating she thought he was nuts. He smiled.

  "No, ma'am. This is mine.” He opened the front door to the truck and held out a hand to help her up into the cab.

  She took his hand and climbed into his truck. He shut the door and looked at her for a moment. She smiled out the window to him. With her brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and her face free of make-up, she looked like an all-American beauty sitting there. It was an important test for a woman to pass.

  "So, does it have a hemi?” she asked as he opened the driver-side door.

  He stopped. Her words smacked him out of his daydream. She looked real good in that seat, but foul language could not be tolerated.

  "Woman, there are three things you don't do to a man. You don't curse at his truck, you don't mess with his horse, and you don't poke fun at his dog.” He shook his head. “This is a Ford, not a Dodge. I'll let it slide, this time."

  He winked and proceeded to get into his beloved Ford. Bethany rolled her eyes at him. She obviously didn't understand the relationship between a man and his vehicle.

  "How long is the drive?"

  "About 13 hours, most of it straight up I-15.” He started up the truck. “Listen to her purr."

  "You seem a little too excited about being in this truck. I have to tell you.” She smiled.

  "I love this truck. It's the only new vehicle I have ever owned. It beats the hell out of my last truck. By the time I got it, it was like the truck on Sanford and Son. I think I pushed it more than I drove it.” He laughed recounting the memory. “Don't be jealous."

  "Of a truck? Are you serious?” She crossed her arms obviously jealous. He ignored it and continued to talk about his old hand-me-down truck.

  Bethany watched him tell his story and witnessed how his eyes lit up and his dimples popped out. He may think he did not like his old truck, but the memories were good ones. Of course, she had a BMW delivered to the front door on her sixteenth birthday. There was no love or hate for the car. It just was. But then, she never had to ask for anything material, and she never got anything more than material things.

  "Jack.” Bethany decided she had to tell him about her father. It wasn't fair to let him risk the ranch he was so in love with. “I don't want you to get worried when I tell you this but..."

  "You're not really on birth control, are you?” Jack sighed heavily.

  "No, I..."

  "It's okay, I mean we are married, we will be together a while and..."

  "Jack, Jack. I am on birth control.” She almost laughed at how nervous he was. His fingers had gripped the steering wheel; his head bobbed side to side as if mentally working it out and rationalizing.

  "Oh, thank God.” He let out the breath he had been holding. “I mean we could work things out, but I would really like to take this time to get to know you, Bethany. I mean I really want us to be friends when it's over."

  She swallowed the lump in her throat. What a sweet man. She wouldn't tell him she thought that way because then his ego would move to macho overdrive, but he was sweet, and if she let him, he would just break her heart in the end. “Of course, we'll be friends. Don't be silly."

  "So, what were you worried about?” he asked as if their only problem would be pregnancy. Forget the fact that they did not even know each other!

  "Nothing, it was silly. Really, forget it.” She decided not to make things harder on him before they got that way anyhow. When her father found out, and she was sure Rosetta had called and told him she was married and knew about the two of them by now, he would be furious. Dodson's do not face public embarrassment, and Bethany would marry the man he chose.


  "If you say so.” He shrugged. “Do you have any questions about Montana, my house, my family?"

  "Yes, tell me about all of them.” She nodded.

  "Well, I have two brothers and a sister,” Jack explained. “My older brother Heath is 35. Rafe is 34. I am 33. See the pattern?"

  Bethany nodded.

  "My sister Janice, we call her Jan is 19.” He laughed. “My momma thought she was going through the change is what she called it. Sure chang
ed things all right."

  "How old was she?” Bethany smiled.

  "Let's see, I was fourteen, so that would make her forty-six, forty-seven.” He shook his head. “Doctors say it happens, not often, but it does."

  "Wow.” She nodded. It was unbelievable. “She must have been shocked."

  "Happy. Especially when she found out it was a girl. She had given up trying for a girl once we popped out, three in a row.” He laughed again then went quiet. A solemn mood came over him. She could see in his eyes that whatever he was thinking about was painful for him. “My daddy died not long after Jan was born. Cancer. Momma stayed in Montana until last year when Jan decided she was old enough to get married, and now my momma lives in Florida."

  She considered his statement and then blurted. “She's only nineteen. How can she be old enough to get married?"

  "She's legal, Bethany. Believe me, you're preaching to the choir. Heath shot Buck in the ass with a B-B-gun trying to scare him off. Only made the kid more afraid of us and Jan more determined than ever to marry him.” Jack sighed. “Such is life. Momma said we were not allowed to interfere with them. She had married my daddy young, and they were together till he died."

  "So, where do they live?” Bethany asked.

  "On the ranch. We all have a house there. My grandpa made sure of it.” Jack nodded. “It's a dude ranch. Hadn't been put to use in that manner since my Grandpa was alive. My mom didn't like it, and my dad didn't have the education to run the business, as much as my grandpa tried to teach him, so it went dry when my grandfather died."

  "He didn't want to learn, or was it your mother's father?"

  "No, he was my dad's father. My momma is from Florida,” Jack explained. “Daddy was a cowboy. He could do work, but he had no interest in learning the books and business end, thought he would have time to learn about those things later. Guess not."

  "So, why does everyone live in your house?” She was fascinated by his life story. He had suffered hardships, loss, but he obviously cared about his family and their legacy. It was going to be hard not to fall head over heels for Jack Johnson.