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Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off Page 11

  "Hi.” She stopped stroking the dogs, resisted the urge to fan herself. He didn't seem mad about her being in the loft, but she wasn't sure. Looking at the evidence around her, she started to think of an excuse. “I uh..."

  "Do you want to go to dinner or something?” he said as he stepped closer and looked around his desk. He took a seat in the big leather chair. He looked at what she had on the screen.

  "Jack, I know you told me not to come up here, I just..."

  "How the hell did you figure this out?” He scooted in closer to the desk and pointed to the screen.

  "I, well ... I have a degree in business. Only from one of the best colleges in the nation, I just wanted to use the computer, but when it came on, this spread sheet was up. I wasn't trying to pry. It just caught my attention, so I looked at it. It's not a big deal, I just..."

  "The hell it isn't. I've been working on this thing for months. You mean to tell me you just figured it out today?” He didn't seem pleased, but she wouldn't call him angry either. Frustrated was a potential word.

  "I'm sorry?” She bit her lower lip and wondered if she gave the right response. She did not know Jack well enough to know his moods.

  "For fixing it? Don't be.” He scrubbed his hands over his face. Looked her up and down. “So, do you want to go out for dinner or what?"

  "Um, okay.” Slowly, she smiled. She was used to going out often, but he seemed to be content on the ranch, closed off from the rest of the world. She had been, too, the first few days, but when she realized she was just as alone as she was in Kentucky, she didn't like it anymore. She wanted to do something useful, and watching television was not useful. Though, she did persuade the dogs to stay behind on two occasions. Jack would kill her if he knew all the bacon was used in training the Danes not to jump on her.

  "All right, let's go.” Jack stood.

  "I need to get ready. Can I have half an hour?” She looked down at herself. Jeans and a T-shirt. Jack looked divine in them, but it was not who she wanted to present herself to the town as. His frumpy wife.

  "Sure.” He shrugged then sat back down. “Let me know when you're ready."


  She could not contain the excitement she felt inside. They were going somewhere. Out, in public together. She would know how to get somewhere if she wanted to go out again on her own, and she did. She needed to find a job. Rafe had promised to sneak her out and let her drive his truck since Jack showed no interest in letting her drive his.

  In fact, as she got dressed, she realized Jack had taken his truck even when he was just going to the horse stables and doing so made no sense because they were only a short walk away. The cabins were farther out and spread out, so it made sense to load gear and just drive, but the dining hall and stables were in close proximity to the four houses. She came up with a plan right then and there.

  * * * *

  "Jack, I'm ready.” She called from the bottom of the stairs. He had reviewed the spreadsheets she made changes to. Bethany really knew her stuff. His head and heart started battling over ideas. If he could get her more involved with the ranch, no, if he did, she would be able to hurt his family as much as help. It was too much to risk when everything was depending on his inheritance to make it work.

  He walked down the stairs and into the living room. Bethany was already in the kitchen. As he walked into the kitchen, he caught sight of her going out the door to the garage. He followed, picked up his hat, and reached for his keys. They were not there.

  He walked out to the garage and saw the prettiest woman he had ever laid eyes on, all painted up and ready to go. Only problem was, she was in the driver's seat.

  "Sweetheart, you look real nice tonight.” He leaned in the driver's side window, which she kindly rolled down. Her face was made up, and she was wearing one of those sweater sets he liked so much.

  "Thank you. Get in.” Bethany gave him a mega-watt smile. She made it hard to tell her no.

  "I'm driving, sweetheart.” But it was not impossible.

  "Oh please, I haven't driven a car in over a week. Come on, pretty please.” She gave him the eyes with the fluttering lashes and all.

  "Nope.” He smiled. “Cowboys drive, cowgirls ride."

  "Pretty please, with whip cream and a cherry on top.” She now pouted her lower lip and dared to look as though she might even try tears.


  "Anything, Jack, come on. I'll do anything you want me to. Just let me drive this once.” She pouted. Her lower lip pushed out.

  He took off his hat, considered it a moment, then shook his head no.

  He could see her mind working. Her pouting stopped, and she looked him over. He knew whatever came next was going to be a big deciding factor. It had been a week since he had touched her. Her eyes traveled up his legs, over his groin, then up to his chest. He could sense the change in her mood. By the time she locked eyes with him again, they were burning with desire.

  "What if I put whipped cream and a cherry on you, Jack?” She seductively licked her lips. His groin tightened.

  "This truck, I worked hard for this truck, and men don't ride shotgun with women..."

  "I bet you taste good with whipped cream. You know, it just occurred to me. You have done a lot of things to my body. Selfishly, I have not reciprocated on you. I think..."

  "You are playing dirty,” he ground out. His dick was already taking her side.

  "I think it's a fair trade. I drive the truck into town, and then you drive back.” She licked her lips again, slowly with purpose. She looked right at his bulging jeans and sighed. “You can drive and get a blow job at the same time, can't you?"

  "Manipulating, conniving,” he started as he made his way to the passenger's side. “I can't believe I'm letting you drive my truck. For a blow-job no less. Jesus! What has my life become?"

  "Good.” She beamed in triumph. “Now, tell me how to back this thing out of here."

  "Shit.” He laughed. She couldn't even get out of the damn garage. He had been had, but he liked it!

  "Potty mouth!” Bethany teased.

  "I'll get out and guide you.” He opened the door.

  "You'll have to guide me later, too, Jack. I've never..."

  "If you want to get out of the garage, you want to stop right there.” He decided he was a pig-headed idiot for staying away from her all week. He could have been making love to her for days. Instead, he was brooding about something though for the life of him he could not remember what anymore.

  He ground guided her from the garage. She almost hit the post separating the two vehicle garage, but cleared it just in time. His heart was pounding into his ears as he got into the truck. “Cutting it close, sweetheart."

  "Sorry,” she said. He could see she meant it. She was nervous driving the truck. Her knuckles were white from clenching the wheel.

  "What did you drive in Kentucky?” He buckled in and looked at his truck from a new angle.

  "A little BMW, cherry red, got it for my sixteenth birthday.” She kept both hands on the wheel and looked straight ahead as they pulled out of the driveway onto the road to the ranch. “I've never driven something this big before in my life. It's ... I don't know. it's nice. Powerful. Like if I want to get over in traffic, people will let me."

  He laughed. “Yes, they do let me in."

  "Where are we going?” She remained focused on the road.

  "You'll see when we get there.” He relaxed in the seat. “Keep straight, and I'll tell you where to turn."

  * * * *

  Bethany pulled into The Big Barn, what seemed like a cross between a restaurant and a honky-tonk. Country music could be heard as they got out. Jack tipped his hat to a few people as he made his way around to her door.

  "Little dine and dance on a Sunday night.” He winked.

  "Am I overdressed?” She looked down at herself and then around at a couple leaving the establishment. They were both in jeans and cowboy hats.

  "You're beautiful, sw
eetheart. You remind me of this cupcake I met in Vegas one time. Girl got me drunk and tried to marry me.” He winked at her.

  "I did marry you, and you weren't trying to keep me sober might I remind you.” She smiled back at him. She looked like a square peg going into a round hole.

  "I was hoping to get in your pants, sweetheart.” He slid his hand across the small of her back. Such a simple touch almost made her too weak in the knees to walk. God, how she missed his touch! Why had she fought it the other day in the barn?

  Linking her arm around his waist, she felt him jerk in surprise.

  Had he been avoiding her all of this time because of her comments? Stupid! She realized now she may not have been a touchy-feely kind of woman, but Jack was a touchy-feely kind of man. Regretting the week she lost, she squeezed him tighter.

  "You do like good ole fashioned cooking, right?” He led them to the entrance. The doors opened and delicious aromas wafted out. Fried foods and fresh vegetables filled the air and made her mouth water.

  "It smells fantastic in here,” she commented.

  "Glad you like it,” he said as the hostess approached.

  "Jack Johnson!” The busty blonde put down the menu and bustled over to see him.

  "Hi Mary, this is..."

  He tried to introduce her, but the woman either hadn't realized they walked in practically joined at the hip or did not care one. She went right in for a lip lock. Jack's arms flailed as though he would rather fall backward than embrace the woman.

  "Excuse me!” Bethany stomped. “That's my husband you're kissing."

  Jealous again and this was not the dreaded Candice. She really hoped when they had kids they had boys. She would hate to compete with a daughter for his attention. Shocked by her own thoughts, Bethany crossed her arms. That was how her mother felt about her.

  Jack finally came to his senses and pushed the woman back. Holding her off at arms distance while trying to collect himself. His face was bright red. His eyes were so big and his expression so shocked Bethany almost laughed.

  "Mary, this is my wife, Bethany,” he said breathless.

  "Real funny, you didn't have a wife a few weeks ago.” Mary smiled and winked at him.

  "Well, he does now,” she said in her best no nonsense voice. “And you can rest assured I'll be there from now on."

  He let go of the woman and finally looked at her. He looked as though he wanted to crawl under a rock or something for a second. Then, his pure male pride took over, and he looked like a champion again, only with a little blush left in his cheeks and a little lipstick on his lips.

  "Oh my God. You're serious. I...” Mary seemed flustered now. Her face turned red, and she nervously attempted to gather the menus. “I'm so sorry..."

  "Bethany.” Jack supplied and grabbed her hand. “My wife's name is Bethany."

  "Bethany, I really didn't mean to, well I meant to, but I didn't know he was married. I mean a guy like Jack just doesn't up and get married.” Mary picked up the menus, set them down, picked them up again. “I'm so flustered right now."

  "We'll just go to my usual table, okay?” Jack picked up the menus.

  "Thank you.” Mary appeared on the verge of tears.

  He escorted them to the farthest corner booth. She wanted to feel bad, but she didn't. Jack was her husband and not up for grabs, at least not as long as they were married. “So, have you slept with every woman in town?"

  "No.” He snorted. “But I would be lying if I said I had only slept with you."

  "So, how many women have you been with?” She took the seat facing the wall, and he settled into the seat facing the rest of the restaurant.

  "Never kept count, but I always used a condom.” He nodded.

  "Not always,” she reminded him.

  "You're my wife, that's different.” He frowned at her.

  "Can you at least wipe her lipstick off?” She popped the napkin and laid it across her baby blue skirt. She did look like the cupcake he had met in Vegas. Mary, on the other hand, looked like a showgirl. Wearing tight jeans, a low-cut sparkling red blouse, matching her sparkling red lips. She understood why he would have slept with her. She was tall, blonde, and beautiful.

  "Sorry.” He hung his head sheepishly and wiped his mouth with the napkin.

  "Do you like her?” She nervously pleated the napkin on her lap. She was feeling the anxiety level rise within. What did Jack see in her when he could be with women like Mary? Oh, she remembered. He needed a wife for three months. A woman like Mary or Christina was a wife for life.

  "She's a friend,” he said coolly. He looked pained, but she didn't care.

  "Obviously, she's more than a friend, Jack.” She placed her hands on the table.

  "No.” He started to say something else, but the waitress showed up.

  "Hey, sweetie, where have you been?” the woman asked as she approached. Bethany was ready to scream, but as she turned to face another lover, she saw a sweet, older lady, hair in a bun, apron on her waist, and smile on her face.

  "Getting myself hitched to this beautiful young woman right here.” Jack stood and hugged the woman.

  "I don't think I have ever met you before. I'm Patty. My boy Jasper owns this place. I run it, but he reaps all the rewards.” Patty extended a hand. Bethany shook it. “I know why you didn't bring her in here before. I'd have set Jasper right out to court this pretty lady."

  "Now, Ms. Patty, you know me well, tell Bethany I'm a catch. I'm afraid after Mary tried to lip wrestle me she's having second thoughts.” He put on a wounded puppy dog face, and the woman fell for it.

  "Oh, honey, pay that girl no mind. She greets all the guests with a smooch, well all the young ones anyways.” Patty winked at Jack. “You want the usual?"

  "Yes, ma'am.” He nodded and took his seat.

  "And for you, Jack's bride?” The woman made a point to look at the ring on her finger. Maybe she didn't believe it, but when her eyes moved to Jack's hand, Bethany worried he didn't have it on, but they were both surprised he did.

  "I'll have what he's having.” She hoped it was something other than steak and eggs. The boys ate the same thing every morning. The cereal was only there for afternoon or evening snacks. She did not know what Jack or Heath did for food. Rafe was the only one in the last week who bothered to talk to her for any amount of time.

  "Fine then,” Patty said with a smile and left.

  "No. Mary is not more than a friend. We have rolled in the hay a few times, but that's it. I can't tell you a whole lot about her beyond the bedroom,” he said bluntly.

  "You can't say more about me either,” she pointed out a cold hard fact.

  "But I want to be able to say more. I already know more about you.” He reached over the table and grabbed her hand.

  "Like what?” She tried to stay upset, but he began stroking her fingers and tickling her palm until she could not help but smile.

  "There we go.” He simply held her hand over the table now. His hand was so big and rough compared to hers. The reassuring connection was unexpected but welcome. “I know you are a kind woman, you're smart, beautiful. My dogs like you."

  "Well, I've got the dog vote."

  "Aye, it means something. I've never had a woman sleep over before. Why do you think Heath and Rafe were so anxious to see who you were? I've never been so attracted to anyone, and I've also never been so confused,” he said the last word as a whisper.

  "About what?” She knew he wasn't trying to have a deep conversation, but their evening out turned a whole new direction the moment Mary attacked his face. She was not going to let herself get involved any farther if he was just a womanizer.

  "This.” Jack pointed between them. “Us. You know my mother had no interest in ranching. It killed my grandfather because my grandmother loved it. I can learn things, business wise that is, but you know them already."

  "Are you saying what I think you're saying?” Her heart began to swell with emotions. Her father had paid a lot of money for an e
ducation in business but would not let her work as a secretary much less help out. It was not a paying job, but it was a job to put on a resume nonetheless. In three months, she could make a difference to Jack and his ranch. Then, she would get her own job. “You'd let me help out at the ranch?"

  "I'm saying I am thinking about it. I have to discuss it with the family. It's not just my ranch. We all own it,” he explained. She watched him smile in recognition, and sure enough, Patty was back with drinks.

  "Food will be up in a few.” Patty smiled. She shook her head after looking at them a moment longer. “Does my heart good to see one of you boys finally settle down."

  "She's nice.” Bethany smiled as the woman walked away.

  "Her son's a dog. We went to school together. Jasper has been with every woman in this town, except my sister and you.” Jack laughed. “He's known as the local florist."

  "I don't get it."

  "He deflowers all the virgins.” He shook his head.

  "What about Candice?” She hated caring if he was her first, but she didn't like knowing another woman would be like her, always remembering him as the first man to make love to her.

  "Junior year. Mary, too. I'm telling you, no man has gone where Jasper hadn't already gone before.” He shook his head and laughed.

  "You have.” She smiled. “How many flowers have you taken?"

  "Just one.” His gaze turned heated in that instant. Her insides began to melt. She wished now they were home, so she could lead him to the bedroom and do everything she had ever dreamed of doing to a man.

  "So, I'm sorta special?” She felt a new sense of pride. His thumb stroked her knuckles. Her stomach flip-flopped in anticipation. She was going to love this man's body tonight.

  "You're more than special, Bethany Johnson. You are something else all together.” He turned serious, and her gut tightened in anticipation for what he might say next. “You even got to drive my truck. After you ride one of my horses, hell, you may be through with me. Take everything I have and leave."