Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off Page 10
Bethany blinked a few times, opened her mouth, shut it, opened it again with a new expression, shut it. Then, finally said something.
"Why not?"
"So, climb on up.” He pulled her by the hand, and she straddled him, resting her knees on either side of his hips. “If you don't want me hugging you and touching you outside the bedroom, tell me, but it will be damn hard to keep my hands to myself, understand?"
"Yes. I understand now.” She nodded.
Jack knew she was lying because she darted her eyes to the right when she said it. She didn't understand a damn thing, but what could he do about it? Giving up, he cupped her face in his hands and brought her lips down to his. This she understood. She understood as soon as he kissed her she would relax and let all of her fences down, allowing him to run right through. Whoever hurt her, they did a great job at it. Bethany wanted to be sexual but not intimate. She wanted to be free, but he knew if he left her in Vegas, she would have been lost.
As she eased down on his cock, he gripped her hips and moved to the center of the large tub. As he suspected she would, she stretched her legs wide putting her feet on separate jets. Lifting her then seating himself completely inside with one thrust, he said, “I'm glad I don't have any kinks."
"I'm giving you better access.” She closed her eyes on a moan.
"You like it, don't you?” he whispered as he kissed her neck. “It's okay. I like your kinks."
She nodded, unable to speak. He could feel her already trembling. Her thighs tightened; her back arched. Moans of pleasure became louder. “Mmm. Come for me, sweetheart."
He slid a hand between them and pressed her clit just slightly. She was already there it just added another stimulus to her over stimulated body. The warm bath water bubbled and pulsed around them from the jets. She had her sensitive feet getting full jet action, his cock was inside her, and his lips teased her neck, breasts, and lips in turn. One little touch on the swollen bud set her off like a rocket. She came like a wild woman. Her feet moved from the jets to help balance her as she shook from it. Her face contorted, and her nails bit into his biceps. “That's it, Bethany. God, I love it when you come."
"Mmm. Jack, it really was good.” She slumped on his shoulder with her nose in his neck. She was spent, lifeless. He felt pretty good about that, but he wasn't through with her yet.
"Glad to hear it. Now, turn over.” He slid back and turned the jets off.
"What?” Lazily, she nuzzled him again. If only she could be so open when they were not having sex. Disgusted by his thoughts of snuggling, he pulled out a little then pushed back in. That got her attention. “Oh."
"Oh? Oh yeah, there are two of us in this equation.” He lifted her off of him completely. “Hold on to the side of the tub, put your foot there, and don't fall out."
"Gee, thanks, Ja ... Oh ... Jack."
"Yes. Talk to me, Bethany. Tell me you like it,” he said as his breath hitched. Oh, he liked this position, deep, her womb tight around his cock, sucking it back in as he pulled out. “God, you feel good."
"Do you like it, Jack?” She groaned as he hit her uterus with the head of his cock. “God, Jack, it's so deep. You're so big."
"Tell me you like it."
"I like it, Jack. Faster, yes, yes ... oh God, Jack! I can't, I'm going to come. I can't stand up ... Jack!” Her knees gave out as she came. Her leg slipped off the edge, and she pressed back against his thighs, getting herself as tight and as close as possible.
He spent in long fast bursts. Every orgasm with her was better than the last. Every one threatened to take his knees out. His groans matched hers. He knew as it ended as soon as she was able to sit up straight, she would be all wound up and inaccessible again. He hated to think about it. He hated the fact he wanted to cuddle with her, he wanted lay beside her and talk. Jesus, he felt like a woman! Bethany didn't want any of it. She didn't want intimacy; she just wanted to fuck.
The realization of his circumstances made him mad. He was a man, damn it. He didn't need to cuddle with her. He sure didn't need her conversation. They had nothing other than the marriage agreement and sex in common anyways. In three months, both of those things would come to an end. Bethany would become a friend and possibly a lover. He had been lovers with Candice off and on for years. Why the hell was this eating him up?
Jack was out of the tub and drying off before she could stand up. He stormed out of the bathroom as she gingerly dried off. Once she stepped into the bedroom, the mood around them changed. He was already in jeans and pulling a T-shirt over his head.
"What's wrong with you?” she asked.
"Nothing. I need to do some work is all.” He pulled on his socks then shoes. She thought all cowboys ever wore were boots, but he just pulled on a pair of running shoes. “I'll be in the loft if you need me."
And out the door he went.
Faced with her first real moment alone, everything started to sink in. She looked at the solid wood door and, knowing it was closed, gave in to the moment of privacy. She looked at the ring on her finger again. Holding it up to the afternoon light streaming through the picture window, she realized just how beautiful it was. A smile spread across her face. She looked out the window and sighed.
"You are one lucky woman, Bethany Johnson,” she said aloud. Then, the ring tone went off on her cell phone. The noise was faint, but she knew what it was.
Time to face her family.
"Hello,” she answered the phone and remained in the walk-in closet for extra privacy.
"What is going on, young lady? Where the hell are you?” her mother asked.
"I'm home. My new home that is. And I am married,” Bethany said with finality.
"You're what? Bethany Dodson, you get your butt back here right now. I don't know what is going on, but you have a fiancée back here in Kentucky, and we have a business deal, and wedding plans, and..."
"Cancel them. Cancel it all. I am not coming back to Kentucky, Mother. I am married. My name is not Dodson, anymore.” She could feel the power from taking the stand with her family. No, she was not theirs to give away as part of a business deal.
"You're serious, aren't you? You really went off and married some poor man who has no idea what he's gotten himself into, didn't you? When your father finds him, he will destroy his name. Why would you do this to him?” Was her mother upset for Jack or her father? She couldn't tell.
"He better not try it, Mother. You know about him and Rosie. You know for the last thirty years I have been pulled out of the closet to pretend to be a happy family for the press or business partners. And when the interview or lunch was over, I was put back away until the next time. You know she is in some of those pictures, with her father, on our birthdays. And I'll tell you what other pictures she's in..."
"Shut up! Just shut up. You know he had nothing to do with you as children!” her mother yelled.
"I know. I didn't call him a pervert, but I won't have to. He's the one who called himself a family man. Hell, he may not even realize Rosie is Eddie's daughter, but he sure realized she was old enough to have an affair with. How do you think Eddie will feel to find his trusted partner is having an affair with his daughter?” It was a hard punch to throw at her mother, but the woman had not been there for her at any time during her life. Even after she gave birth, all the pictures are of the nanny feeding her, holding her. She was not a mother. She was just the woman who gave birth to her and taught her shopping cured everything. Not this, and not this time.
"You wouldn't.” Her mother gasped.
"Oh, I would. I have the pictures. You can check the credit card bill if you like. The private investigators have been watching you both for months. Thanks for paying him by the way. And unless you want Emanuel to get a little visit from INS, I would tell your husband, my father, he better stay far from me and my husband from now on."
The lump in her throat was like a rock. There was no going back from this moment. Once she cut ties to her family, she cut ties to the p
urse strings as well. She had money. Cash she had saved over the years, her purse was full of it. Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to be exact. Bethany had been taking cash advances against the various credit cards her parents threw at her over the years. She couldn't open an account. They would have seen her saving. They would have known she was going to run. All through college, she planned and schemed, and now she was free. It was a clean break.
"I'll cancel all your cards, you little brat!” her mother yelled.
"I only have the Visa. You'll find almost everything you ever gave me in the guest house. I don't want it. I don't need it. Money isn't the answer. You never loved me. You didn't even want me. You had me so he would have his image and you would have your bank account full. You both got what you wanted for thirty years. All I want is the rest of my life, and I'm taking it. Goodbye, Mother.” She disconnected the call. She was aware of how numb and emotionless she sounded. The speech was rehearsed a thousand times in her head. It was over; she was finally free. A smile crossed her lips as she powered down the phone. There was no one else she needed to talk to.
As she stepped out of the closet, she felt drained. So much had happened in the last few days. She went to the big welcoming bed and curled up. She inhaled deeply and smelled Jack. His aftershave, his essence. Curling up in the warmth and comfort of the bed, she drifted off to sleep.
* * * *
Jack had been working on business plans, financial spreadsheets, and list after list of things needing to be done before he could open the ranch to the public. The sun had gone down hours ago. The loft provided a space away from everything else. It was his sanctuary, a place for privacy and peace and quiet. His stomach rumbled. He looked at the clock. Seven p.m., how had time gotten away from him so fast? Where the hell was Bethany? What was she doing?
He headed to the kitchen. As he entered through the living room, Bethany entered through the hall. She looked as though she just woke up. Her hair was wild and tangled. The left side of her face was pink and lined as though she slept on something uneven. “You just waking up?"
"Yeah. What time is it?” She stretched and walked toward him. He was not going to touch her. No sir. He would not touch her outside of sexual contact unless she touched him first. It was what she wanted.
Looking down at her, he thought she really looked like she needed a hug. “Hungry?"
She nodded. Her brow was drawn together as though she was working something out in her head. Again, he resisted the urge to touch it or her. Man, he would like to kiss her right now.
"What do you have?” she asked.
"I don't know. Let's see.” He stepped past her and toward the refrigerator. She followed close and leaned into his side as they looked in the refrigerator. Even the slight contact made his hands ache to stroke her back, to push the tangle of curls out of her face and tuck them behind her ears, or just wrap around her and squeeze. Damn It! “Steak, eggs, milk."
"Beer. You don't have any food.” She straightened and headed to the pantry. “Cereal, beans. Jack, how do you guys live on steak and cereal?"
"We usually only eat breakfast here. Up until last week, we all worked other places. Heath and I grab dinner on the way home. Rafe eats at Layla's most of the time.” Jack shut the refrigerator. “I'll call Heath, have him pick something up. He should be on his way home now anyways."
"Where did he go?” Bethany asked and shut the pantry door. Great, he thought. Now, he would have to make a grocery list and go shopping.
He shrugged then headed to the phone. “What do you want? Pizza?"
"Why don't we just go out?” She propped her hands on her hips.
"Sunday night, sweetheart. I have to get up early and would rather just stay home.” He picked up the phone and dialed Heath. “So is pizza fine or..."
"Fine.” Bethany straightened her shoulders and marched past him. Maybe she didn't realize they were not exactly close to anything. Three of the ranches combined to help pay for satellite to offer internet service in the area. She was probably used to being able to get whatever she wanted at the drop of a hat. He hoped she would get used to planning out trips to the city.
Chapter 10
A week. Seven days. Bethany was beginning to feel like the guy in The Shining. The ranch was amazing, yes. There was plenty she could do, yes, but Jack was out of bed before she woke up and came back late in the evening. A week of wandering around the house, cooking for only herself, cleaning, and watching television had made her almost crazy.
Jack hadn't touched her since the bath in the Jacuzzi tub. She hadn't made any move to touch him either. Of course, she hadn't seen him long enough to touch. Apparently, his plan to binge on sex for the next three months was not the same as hers. Each morning she awoke to his cold pillow. It smelled like him. She hugged it close, inhaled, and had flashbacks of all the ways they had touched flashed through her mind like a slide show. She wanted to tie him up and have her way with him at this point, but he was being a jerk, avoiding her.
She looked around the living room, sighed, then decided to go where she was asked not to go. The loft.
In the spacious loft were two desks, a book shelf, and lo and behold, a computer.
"Hello, new lover,” she spoke to the machine. Her fingers slid across the keyboard and itched to punch the keys. Pressing one button down, the screen hummed and lit up. What she saw made her sit down and read. The business plans for the ranch.
* * * *
"Sorry about missing dinner last week,” Jan said as she approached. “Buck had to go in to work, and I needed to finish a paper for school."
"No problem. I had a lot of work to do anyways.” Jack had been avoiding the house, so had his brothers; therefore the cancellation came as a relief. He didn't know what he was doing anymore. Bethany slept next to him in the bed. As soon as she fell asleep, she curled right up to him and claimed him, but in her waking life she barely acknowledged him.
"So, how's the newlywed phase going? I mean it's Sunday, and you're down here. Buck and I barely let each other alone for the first three months.” Jan looked at the paperwork on the clipboard he held.
"Supplies. Just going over the inventory again.” He ignored the question.
"I see.” She stood there a moment longer then put her hand over the paperwork.
"What?” He looked up. Her face was serious. Jan always looked a little more like Heath when she got mad.
"I asked you a question, Jack. How are things with you and Bethany?” She stared him down. He realized in that moment that Buck was perfect for her. It would take a man bigger than her brothers to overwhelm his little sister. Her smart mouth and temper were no easy task either. Buck had to be the mildest mannered person he knew. They balanced each other perfectly.
"You sound just like mom..."
"Jack!” She put her hands on her hips. Did he compliment Bethany the same? Were they balanced like Buck and Jan? He couldn't stop thinking about the woman who crawled into his arms every night. She consumed his thoughts and his dreams.
"I don't know. I haven't really talked to her. Paul hasn't been able to get out here. He said he would be out next week with the will and all. She sent off for her new social security card, and Rafe brought her a copy of the DMV book to study. Soon, she will get a Montana license, maybe a vehicle. She really wants a job.” He sighed heavily. “Who the hell am I kidding, Jan. I don't know what the hell I'm doing here."
"I don't know either.” She took the clipboard. “Go spend some time with your wife."
"I don't know what to say to her. I don't even know her,” he protested.
"And you won't if you keep hiding out. You like her. I know you do so don't make that face. It's the truth, and we all know it. So go, just go talk to her. Maybe take her in town for an early dinner. She hasn't been anywhere but the ranch. I'm surprised you haven't even taken her riding.” Jan's look of disapproval again reflected his mother's words.
"You're turning into mom.” He laughed and pointe
d at her.
"No. Mom thinks you're just using this girl. She hasn't bothered to come home because she doesn't want to lose another daughter-in-law over her pig-headed sons,” Jan said.
"She did not say that.” Jack worried for a moment his mother had in fact called them pig-headed. After Heath's performance with Chance, and the way all three of them acted toward Buck, she might have.
"Well, she did say she didn't want to lose another daughter-in-law.” Jan smiled.
"All right. Point made.” Jack hated his little sister was the family sage. She had always been an old soul and like it or not so was Buck. The man was mature beyond his years and an asset to the ranch and the family. Hating to admit his own ego sometimes, he headed back to the house. The two Great Danes lay on the front porch sunning and as soon as they caught sight of him came running up to greet him. At least his dogs still loved him unconditionally. Though, they had stayed back a few times when he went out this past week.
* * * *
"Shit!” Bethany tried to get the paperwork back the way it was. When she heard the door open and the two dogs jumping around downstairs, she knew Jack was home. He called out her name. She knew she was busted. No way would the computer go to standby, and no way would he forget where he had left off. With no other choice, she answered. “I'm up here."
"Where?” His voice came closer. The dogs took the stairs to the loft. She heard a set of boots coming up behind them.
"Up here,” she called as Blue Dog and Jessie Boy ran to greet her. She gave them a command to sit, and they did. She loved on both of them, petting their heads and telling them what good boys they were.
"Hey,” he said and stopped at the top of the stairs. Wow. He looked delicious. His brown hair was mussed. A thin line circled his forehead at the hairline from his cowboy hat. He wore a navy blue T-shirt and well-fitting jeans that accentuated everything long and strong about Jack.