Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off Read online

Page 9

  "Okay.” Bethany shrugged and looked back out toward the horses.

  Jack disappeared back into the barn. She inhaled the crisp, clean air and looked around at the wide open space, now her home. Her home with horses, cabins, dogs, family, a beautiful house, walk in closet ... what more could a girl ask for?

  "Open the gate, sweetheart,” he called, and she snapped out of her daydream, only everything still looked the same. She pulled open the gate, and Sheba walked past. Jumper followed. “Now, you made it seem like he's a handful. He's following her like a puppy dog."

  "Yes, he is.” She watched him close the gate. They stood there next to each other, looking at the two horses as they made their way to the field. He leaned over. His scent carried on the breeze. Her stomach tingled with expectation. “Watch when he gets there."

  She watched as the two entered the field. Jumper started jumping. The horse ran and trotted and kicked and, well, jumped. “What in the world?"

  "She's his girl. He won't follow any other horse, and he will bite or kick any male dumb enough to come near her. He bit her once. She kicked the shit out of him, and I thought for sure she broke his back leg. But no, he just limps now and then to get attention. She falls for it every time. This is just to show her he's still got it.” He laughed a hearty laugh. “Reminds me of my brother if you want to know the truth."

  "Heath?” She knew it was Heath, the man practically oozed testosterone.

  He nodded. The sun did amazing things to his eyes. The starburst of red and gold glinted in the brown pools. The man had the most seductive eyes. She could barely pay attention to what he said. “Makes an impression, doesn't he?"

  "Yes, he does.” She smiled a secret smile. Here she was in her own little fantasy. She turned her attention back to the horses and watched as Jumper finally settled down. He walked away from everyone else. “He's not even standing next to her."

  "But he's not too far away from her either. She stands with the other females. Jumper thinks he's got a harem, but the White Queen belongs to Shadow. He's the solid black one over there."

  "How do you remember all their names? The horses, the dogs, the family, I can't keep up.” She followed Jack back into the barn. He didn't open the front door. Instead, he detoured up a ladder. Once at the top, he looked down as though he expected her to be right behind him.

  "What are you waiting for?” He wiggled his eyebrows, and she knew he wanted her up there.

  "I don't like heights,” she said as she grabbed onto the ladder. Like them or not, she wanted to know what he had in mind.

  "It's not high,” he declared as he disappeared to the loft. Looking down, she decided it was definitely high enough!

  Once she reached the top, she found him laid back in some hay. It was apparently a storage area with lots of hay, feed, and equipment. “What do you think you're going to do up here?"

  "Relax. Talk a while. Come sit next to me.” He held out his hand, and she took it.

  He pulled her down into the hay with him and hugged her tightly. They were married, they had had sex more than once, but the intimacy of being held seemed awkward. Bethany wasn't sure she wanted to make their relationship more than physical since it was ending in three months time.

  "What's wrong?” He let her loose, and she lay back next to him.

  "Nothing. I guess I'm not a touchy feely kind of girl.” Her laugh fell flat.

  "I see.” He stared at the ceiling for long moments. She wasn't sure if he was mad, hurt, or what.

  Minutes ticked by, and the silence was killing her. The closeness was unbearable. She was lying there, not touching him, and suddenly all she could think about was touching him. “Jack, I didn't mean I don't want you to touch me at all. I just meant that I'm not used to ... you know, being held and stuff. It makes me think things are different when they are still the same."

  "I see,” he said bluntly and continued staring at the ceiling. His left leg propped up; his hands folded neatly on his abdomen.

  Seconds turned to minutes. She couldn't fight it anymore. The longer he remained silent and not touching her, the crazier she became with the need to be touched. Bethany could feel her hand inching toward him. Her fingers touched his elbow and then slid over his forearm. Each hair she touched directed her toward his hand. Once there, she laced her fingers on top of his. “Jack?"

  He made a grunting noise as a response.

  "Jack.” She thought about it. She didn't want to ask, but apparently he wasn't going to do it otherwise. “Will you hold me?"

  "Are you sure you want me to? Don't do it because I want you to. Do it because you want to. If you don't want to have sex anymore, then fine. I understand, but you have to tell me.” He shifted to face her. His serious expression made his masculine features stand out more.

  He ran his hand down the side of her arm. She watched his whiskey brown eyes soften as he leaned in for a kiss. Her heart began to race. Her body betrayed every thought her head sent to it. She did not want this. She did not want to like him so much. She never planned to like his house or his animals or his stupid big brothers.

  But once Jack's lips met hers, everything else went out the window. The only thoughts she had were of Jack, his soft lips, his warm wet mouth, and his long tongue.

  She sighed in surrender to his kiss. The man had a way of kissing, and it chased everything else away.

  His heavy body settled over her, and he wrapped his arms around her back, lifting her closer to him. He didn't seem to be in a hurry to get her clothes off or do anything else besides kiss her.

  She felt it as it moved up her throat and into his mouth, a moan of pure enjoyment, of complete satisfaction. And as always, he pulled back, nipped her lower lip, and smiled his bright smile, full dimples, and dared her to resist him.

  "You are the devil, Jack Johnson.” Bethany was limp, warm and ready to do whatever he had in mind, and he knew it.

  "Don't say that. I just want to make you happy, sweetheart. If you don't want me..."

  "I want you. I want you too much. It's confusing because I know it's going to end. My head tells me that I shouldn't want you, but my body can't seem to resist.” She sighed, traced his cheek with her fingers. It was no use. She wanted him. Should, should not, it really didn't matter. No one had ever made her feel as alive as Jack did.

  "Let's just take it one day at a time,” he whispered against her lips then kissed her silly all over again. His hand moved to her breast.

  At the same time, a loud sound came from downstairs. The sunlight filtered back through the main door to the stables.

  "Shh.” He covered her mouth. A woman's voice could be heard.

  "I don't know who let them back out. It's my day to feed them,” the woman said.

  "Well, be thankful one of them helped you out,” a man said to her.

  "Buck, they are always trying to help me out. I can pull my own weight around here.” Jan, the sister, and her husband, Buck, were below them. Jack could apparently see them from his angle, and he still had his hand on her mouth. Bethany bit his finger, and he moved it, giving her a disapproving look before smiling.

  "You are the most hard-headed woman.” Buck sounded exasperated. Maybe the whole Johnson family was exhausting.

  "Jerk.” Jan apparently did something as she said it because he laughed but said ouch.

  "I'm just teasing you,” Buck soothed.

  "So, the horses are out, and we're here, just the two of us. What do you want to play? Cowgirl ropes cowboy, or the other way around?” Jan's voice changed, and Bethany tried not to laugh as Jack's face blushed. He looked mortified. Then, he looked angry.

  "Get your hands off my sister!” he yelled as Bethany tightened her whole body against his rage. His voice rang in her ears. By the time she sat up, he was already on the ladder heading down. He was fast when he was angry.

  "Jack!” she and Jan both yelled.

  "Sorry, Jack.” Buck obviously felt embarrassed himself.

  "We are grown and
married. We can play whatever we like whenever. Besides, what were you doing up there? Huh? You and your little bimbo taking a roll in the hay?” Jan asked with such venom Bethany almost didn't want to go down there, but she wasn't little, and definitely not a bimbo, and no one was going to accuse her of being the latter.

  "I'm not a bimbo,” Bethany said at the top of the ladder as Jack said she was not a bimbo at the bottom. She smiled. At least he would take up for her though in this case it was true. “I have a master's degree from Ohio State University."

  "And you're not blonde.” Jan looked shocked. Her auburn hair hung long down her back like a horse tail. Her brown eyes were rounded and perfectly set apart. She was almost as tall as Jack and had a body like a supermodel. It made Bethany sick. “I..."

  "I get it. It's no big deal.” Bethany smiled. It had to be tough being so young. Buck stood behind her, blushing, his blonde hair and blue eyes a stark contrast to the rest of the men. He was taller than Jack and bigger. She doubted the three brothers really wanted to tangle with him. He had youth and about twenty pounds or more on his side. “You must be Jan and Buck. I'm Bethany."

  Jan and Buck both met her halfway and shook hands. Buck was such a sweet cowboy. He tipped his hat and called her ma'am. Bethany blushed. Jack harrumphed.

  "So, when will we get to really visit with you guys? Dinner, lunch?” Paying no attention to Jack, Bethany asked, and the couple seemed surprised. “Jack?"

  "What, they can come over anytime they like.” He sounded like a spoiled child, and Bethany wanted to spank him.

  "How about tomorrow?” she continued as if he really didn't mind.

  "We both work all week, but next Friday night would be fine. If the boys can behave.” Jan looked around Bethany to Jack.

  "I didn't shoot him.” Jack threw up his hands.

  "You didn't stop him either.” Jan crossed her arms, and Buck shook his head. He was obviously over the incident, but Jan was not.

  "Jan, honey, can we just let it drop?” Buck quietly asked.

  "No. Not until they apologize.” Jan looked at Buck then back to Jack.

  "Sure, as soon as you apologize for not inviting us to your wedding.” Jack now crossed his arms and mirrored her stance.

  "I told you they were mad.” Buck again attempted to negotiate. “I don't need an apology. I got you."

  "Good luck,” Jack mumbled.

  "And good luck to you and your new bride. I'm sure she's just wowed by all your charm and manners.” Jan meant it to be hurtful.

  The only problem was Jack had been charming and using his manners up until this moment when he was being defiant and rotten to his sister. Not like Jan was being all that loving back.

  "I have been the perfect gentleman. Bethany is my wife, Jan, not just some bimbo I brought over to screw in the hayloft.” Jack then sidled up beside her, and Bethany nodded in agreement. Though she now wondered exactly how many bimbos he had screwed in the hay loft.

  "And Jan's my wife. I'm young, I know, but I love her, and it would be easier for her if we all just got along.” Buck had a quiet manner. It made a stark contrast to his size.

  "I'm sorry Heath shot you in the ass, kid. He is too, ripped his heart out not to walk Jan down the aisle. He won't say it, but it did.” Jack pressed his hand in the small of Bethany's back and started walking them out of the stables.

  Once outside, Bethany looked up at him. It took a lot for him to apologize, she could tell. His sister was almost crying through her anger, and Jack apparently could not bear to see it.

  "You're a good man, Jack Johnson.” She liked saying his name. Jack Johnson, it rolled right off her lips. Bethany Johnson, Mrs. Jack Johnson. She placed her arm around his waist and leaned into him.

  "Do I get some sort of reward for my apology? I only did it for you and Jan. I like the kid, but it was funny when Heath shot him in the ass.” He squeezed her tightly.

  "Why did he shoot him?” She ignored his reward talk and didn't find it funny one bit.

  "He asked us if he could marry her.” Jack chuckled. “Now, about my reward?"

  "I didn't offer you any reward for doing the right thing,” she teased.

  "Then, why did I do it? I should go back and throw a rock at him, hold on..."

  "Jack!” She grabbed his belt loop as he turned around. “Behave. And maybe, if you're good the rest of the day, I'll ... make something for you."

  "Make something?” He picked her up and put her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “I'll make something for you all right."

  "Jack!” She squealed in protest though she loved every minute of it. He carried her all the way to the house. It was an interesting view of the kitchen and living room as she hung practically upside down. He didn't stop until they were in the bedroom. He closed the door behind them.

  "Will you put me down now?” She propped her head on her fist, resting her elbow in his back, feigning boredom.

  "Almost,” he said and carried her to the bathroom. There, he set her on the large marble surface between the double sinks. His eyes danced as he looked at her. “Let's take a bath."

  "What?” She blinked as the dizziness from being upside down subsided.

  He didn't respond at first. He was already turning the water on in the large Jacuzzi tub. “You will love this thing. The jets pulse out and hit every muscle like a masseuse massaging away any tension."

  As the water flowed from two faucets filling the tub quickly, he stripped.

  He unclothed like they had been getting naked in front of each other for years instead of days. “Come on."

  He stepped into the water then sat down and looked at her. “Will you get naked and get in here? I'm not trying to seduce you."

  "I didn't say you were.” She stopped gawking at him. She hopped off the counter and moved out of sight to undress.

  Chapter 9

  Jack relaxed as the jets soothed aching muscled and relieved tension. Bethany was like a rollercoaster today, up one minute, down the next. Hell, she had him so confused; seducing her was the last thing on his mind. He wanted to relax, but he wanted her close. She almost had him in the stables. First, she was no touching; then, she was all about touching. What a little tease she turned out to be.

  When she stepped into the tub and sat next to him, he could feel her staring. Like a touch just stroking him from head to toe. He opened his eyes and sure enough she was fixated on his penis. For a woman who did not want to be seduced, she sure asked for it a lot. “See something you like?"

  "I.” She snapped her eyes up to meet his. She couldn't hide the flush of color creeping over her chest and neck.

  Her cheeks blushed as she tried to cover herself by putting one hand over her lap and the other around her waist. She was not covering up her breasts or groin. She was hiding what he suspected were the areas she was self-conscious about, her stomach and thighs.

  She was rounder than any other woman he dated, but she was not fat. More like healthy and soft. He wasn't afraid to pick her up or play. He didn't feel her hips jabbing him when he hugged her or every bone along her back and rib cage. He loved the way she felt.

  "Put your foot up there like this.” He ignored her self-consciousness.


  "Put your foot up here next to mine on this jet. It feels good.” He watched her foot move next to his.

  "I can't feel anything with your boat covering it,” she teased.

  "Oh.” He moved his boat as she called it and watched her reaction. Bethany had very sensitive feet. He knew she would enjoy the pressure. Her toes flexed, and she moved a little closer. “I just love your toes. All pink and pretty, you got them dressed up like they are really going somewhere."

  "They did go somewhere.” Bethany gulped, put her other foot up next to the jet, and grabbed his knee.

  "Are you all right?” he leaned over and whispered in her ear. She was turned on in a big way. “You seem a little ... I don't know, maybe a little..."

  "Yes. I am a
little.” Her voice was low. She bit her lower lip.

  "Feels good, doesn't it?” he asked, and she nodded. He put his big boat foot back up over the jet knocking both of hers off the pulsing water. “Ah."

  "Jack!” she shouted in surprise. She looked so put out, like he was supposed to let her have all the fun. The woman definitely could not hide her expressions. She would be lousy at poker.

  "What?” he teased.

  "Why are you being such a jerk?” She splashed him.

  "You get water all over the place you're cleaning it up.” He shrugged acting very much like a jerk. The jets had worked their magic and soothed sore muscles and stress. Bethany had worked her magic by amusing him and turning him on again.

  "Jack,” she drawled his name and lowered her eyes to give him the same look all women give when they want something. “Doesn't all this warm water and pulsing jets make you want to lie back, relax, and maybe even ... you know."

  "No. I have no idea. Why don't you spell it out for me?” Now, look who was trying to seduce whom.

  "Well, I was thinking maybe ... if you want to that is, I mean I know I put you off in the stables, but it was about intimacy, this is about ... sex.” She tried to convince him there was a difference. And there was a difference, with other girls. He did not generally marry other women, bring them home, or ache to kiss them. From the moment she fell off the bar stool, all he wanted to do was kiss her.

  "I see.” He nodded. “So, what you want us to do over the next three months is fuck?"

  "No!” Bethany gasped, her eyes bulged, and her lips rounded to a perfect little circle.

  "Well, that's what sex is without intimacy. You're a woman, you know you can't keep sleeping with me and not have feelings. I don't know. I might not mind if you do, to be honest. I like you, and I definitely like what we've been doing so far, but I'm not in love with you, and you're not in love with me.” He thought real hard about what he was saying. It was entirely too soon to be talking about love. “We can't be. So, what we are in right now is lust. And if you want to exhaust our lust over the next three months, then I say we go for it."

  She would either buy it or not. He hadn't decided if he loved her or not. There was a lot to think about and more to know before he could make a decision. But lust, hell yeah, he was in lust with Bethany. In three months time, he would be well sated on her. Ready to part ways and just call when the need arose, or he would have her strung out on him like a drug addict, unable to part ways. Either way, he won.