Ayden's Secret Read online

Page 15

  “I have to shower and change.” Charlie had to stay out of his reach until she had clothes on.

  “So do I. Come here.” Ayden pointed at the space in front of him. “I won’t bite.”

  Charlie walked around the foot of the bed and stood in front of him. She felt his eyes all over her. Impatient she called. “Ayden?”

  “You’re beautiful, Charlie.” Ayden grabbed the back of her thighs and rubbed up and down.

  “You are being very bad.” Charlie stepped back. Well, he woke up in a mood this morning.

  “Because I said you’re beautiful?” Ayden stood and looked down at her. He slipped his arms around her then nuzzled into her neck. “If I were being bad, I’d have told you how much I enjoyed eating you last night.”

  Charlie made a weak sound of protest as he nipped her neck gently. Damn it. She pushed back and stumbled for a step. He reached out to grab her, but she blocked his touch. Now she understood why they called him the Wolf. It wasn’t just his last name. He was a vicious predator, and she was his prey. It was supposed to be the other way around. Maybe once he got some food in his stomach he would settle down and remember his lecture about taking it slow. She sure did. Now she figured he wanted to run things at his own leisure, no way. Wanting to spend the rest of her life with a man and wanting to live life on his terms with no compromise were two entirely different things.

  “Well you can tell me how much you enjoy eating breakfast this morning.” Charlie straightened her nightgown and held her head high.

  “Why can’t I do both?” Ayden pulled on boxers as he followed her across the hall to her bedroom. He closed the door behind them. Stepping behind Charlie, he pulled her hair to the side with one hand and kissed her neck while reaching around to hug her with the other. He felt ravenous, and the more she ran the more he wanted to chase her. “I can’t help it. You’re so damn sexy in these barely there pajamas you wear. I wanted to call out of work and enjoy you for hours the other day.”

  “And I would like to enjoy a nice breakfast with your family before they leave today.” Charlie used every bit of strength she could muster to pull away from him. Ayden was quickly convincing her to move at his pace, since his pace meant a lot of touching and tasting apparently.

  The doorbell rang.

  “Saved by the bell, my little lamb.” Ayden nipped her shoulder and kissed her cheek.

  “Are you trying to figure out what to call me?” Charlie crossed her arms and turned to face him. That was it. She had gone from darlin’ to angel then sweetheart, and now little lamb. In over ten years he had only called her darlin’.

  “Huh?” Ayden had no idea what she was talking about.

  “You know, darlin’, angel, sweetheart, now little lamb.” Charlie waited.

  “I made that last comment as a joke, darlin’. When did I call you angel or sweetheart?” Ayden felt a little confused. Was he calling her by other cutesy names?

  “Last night.” Charlie looked down. He hadn’t realized. “Do you call other women those names after sex?”

  “No, baby.” Ayden stopped short. Shit! “I mean, Charlie. It must be from all the people here, different words… they all mean you.”

  That was really not something he wanted to face or admit, yet he had blurted it out. Ayden felt a little weird this morning. He was a little too comfortable and a little too free for his own good. Here he had called her several names, all names he knew the men down the street and the one downstairs in his kitchen used to address their wives. That was enough to cool the fire for now.

  “Oh. Well, all right then.” That cooled her heels. She didn’t care what he called her as long as he didn’t call any other woman the same thing. He called his sisters darlin’. She knew that. He only called women he cared about darlin’. That’s why she loved it.

  The knock sounded on Charlie’s door.

  “Charlie, it’s Stephanie. Can I come in?” Stephanie was surprised the door was locked.

  “You locked the door?” Charlie smiled. He had really planed to seduce her this morning.

  “I… well.” He cleared his throat. “I need to hit the shower.”

  “I’ll see you downstairs in a few.” Charlie opened the door and let Ayden out and Stephanie in.

  “Good morning, Ayden.” Stephanie put a lot of suggestion in that statement.

  Her eyebrows wiggled at him. Oh hell, he felt the flush rising, and so he moved quicker across the hall not saying anything to Stephanie. Great, now he was blushing. Once he got to his bathroom, he looked at his reflection in the mirror. Same face, except the smile and the pink tint on his cheeks. His brows drew down into a scorn. “Get your shit together. You’re acting like a teenager, not a grown man.”

  * * *

  Across the hall, Charlie convinced Stephanie to wait five minutes while she showered. Stephanie browsed through her closet, the most exciting part about waiting. Charlie had the coolest clothes. She picked out two tops to borrow and sat on the bed waiting. Charlie came back with her hair in a towel.

  “Take them and keep them.” Charlie searched through the closet. “I need to go shopping.”

  “You have the coolest clothes ever.” Stephanie frowned. “Why would you give these up?”

  “They’re just shirts. Besides, I need to cover myself up more. Wear looser clothes.” Charlie found a peasant skirt but wanted a bigger shirt.

  “Why? Your body is amazing.” Stephanie watched her intently. If Ayden had told her anything other than that, she would kick his ass. “Has he said something about your body?”

  “Yes. That I’m making him crazy.” Charlie knew where to find a nice large shirt— in his closet.

  “I thought that was the plan.” Stephanie was confused now.

  “It was, but now it’s his plan. I love him, but he’s not running the show. It has to be mutual. Ayden wants me to go slow, but he wants to move ahead at his own pace when he feels like it.” Charlie pulled the skirt on. “So if I hide a little, then he won’t be tempted, and maybe I won’t either. He was right. I hate to admit it, but he was. If it’s just about sex, then I will never know if he truly loves me.”

  “So you’ve had sex,” Stephanie clarified.

  “No.” Charlie held up a finger and slipped across the hall into Ayden’s room. She pulled a Navy logo T-shirt out and crossed back to her room. Ayden was still in the shower. She dropped the robe and pulled the T-shirt on. “How do I look?”

  “Actually it looks cute.” Stephanie nodded. The blue shirt had a Navy logo across the bustline, and the white skirt skimmed her calves. Charlie was covered, but she couldn’t hide that body completely. Stephanie imagined she could make a paper bag look good if she wore it. “But you are definitely covered.”

  “Good. I don’t want to look bad. I just want to look normal. Does that even make sense?” Charlie sat next to her on the bed.

  “Yeah, it does,” Stephanie reassured her. “Tom’s making breakfast downstairs. I didn’t eat at Joshua’s.”

  “Shit. I was supposed to make breakfast.” Charlie stood and headed downstairs.

  In the kitchen, Tom had just finished the bacon when Charlie accosted him. She took the spatula out of his hand and shooed him away from the stove. Biscuits were in the oven and plates on the countertop. The man had made breakfast leaving Charlie with nothing left to cook but the eggs.

  “Charlie, are you all right?” Noel laughed at the woman and took a seat at the table across from Stephanie.

  “Yeah, I just hate that Tom was cooking. You two should be enjoying breakfast not making it.” Charlie turned the stove off and pulled the biscuits from the oven.

  “Mmmm. Smells good down here.” Ayden stepped into the kitchen, took one look at Charlie, and stopped. She was dressed funny today. All covered up. It still looked good, casual. It just looked different for Charlie. “Is that my shirt?”

  “I hope you don’t mind.” Charlie could care less. She went about putting food on the plates, and Stephanie carried them to
the table.

  Ayden studied her for a few more minutes and then grabbed his plate and sat at the table. They had a long leisurely breakfast chatting and passing Page around. Charlie held on to the little girl and enjoyed Ayden leaning over her shoulder to talk to the child. He really enjoyed children. She felt a whole new surge of emotions. When she originally set out to find Ayden, she just prayed he would accept her and love her. Now she craved a real future with him, marriage, and children.

  After breakfast, they headed down to Joshua and Evelyn’s house to say good bye to everyone. Ethan and Grace were eager to leave. No sooner than they said goodbye they were on their way. Malcolm and Stephanie climbed in the van with Megan and Chase. Stephanie cried leaving Charlie, but insisted that they stay in the loft when they came to New York for the wedding. Noel and Tom strapped in Page, and Noel reminded Ayden that his mother should meet Charlie and soon. Ayden grumbled but knew she was right.

  In the end, there were four people on the sidewalk, Joshua and Evelyn, Ayden and Charlie. Ayden knew that with so many people there over the past week the last thing the couple wanted to do was entertain. Besides, he wanted to go home with Charlie and really spend time with her.

  “Charlie, do you want to go to the studio with me?” Evelyn asked.

  “I’d love to.” Charlie perked up. She knew Evelyn was serious about the offer, and Charlie was eager to have a job. She had all of her money stashed inside her underwear drawer. It was scary to have a job; it meant filing taxes, but that was still months away. Surely, by then everything in Vegas would be cleared up. As it was, she had no accounts, no traceable anything. One bad thing was that she also had to cancel her one credit card. No more online shopping.

  “What are you going to do, Wolf?” Joshua looked at Ayden who seemed frozen in time. He shrugged. Joshua shook his head. That man had it bad. “Come on, the game will be on soon.”

  Ayden and Joshua headed inside while Evelyn and Charlie climbed into Evelyn’s Honda civic.

  * * *

  “Do you think we could go shopping today?” Charlie looked over to Evelyn.

  “Yeah, go grab your purse.” Evelyn stopped in front of Ayden’s house. Charlie ran inside and grabbed her purse. She was beaming when she got back into the car. “You really like shopping, huh?”

  “No. I hate it.” Charlie smiled widely as she looked at her. “Can you help me?”

  “I’m not much for shopping. Megan and Stephanie are the fashionistas.” Evelyn shrugged.

  “No, I mean I have to get regular clothes. Oh, and plain full coverage pajamas. Don’t let me forget that.” Charlie was so excited. She got to see the studio and go shopping. She hadn’t been in an actual store since Michael died.

  “You’re so funny.” Evelyn laughed.

  They discussed the types of classes Charlie would teach and set up a date for her to meet with Neal and make a new schedule. Evelyn was excited to expand her options. Charlie had so much potential. She could teach yoga and several dance classes. Evelyn would keep up with other yoga and martial arts classes, and when she got too big to do them anymore, she would let Neal take them over. He had been chomping at the bit to get more classes anyways.

  Charlie shopped like a mad woman. Evelyn was a little surprised at her choices because they were conservative. The clothes were still feminine and pretty, but longer skirts, looser shirts, and several pairs of pajamas. Evelyn enjoyed the girl time. No one had asked her opinion on clothes before, and she was surprised that she actually had one. Thanks to Charlie’s influence, however, she picked up a few trendy items. Also a little pajama outfit that she hoped Joshua would enjoy before she outgrew it.

  * * *

  Ayden and Joshua watched football, and Ayden watched the clock.

  “Damn, Wolf, she’s with Evelyn.” Joshua was tired of Ayden’s clock watching. “You’re acting like Ethan.”

  “Bullshit.” Ayden grumbled and fought the urge to look at his watch for the hundredth time.

  “So what’s the deal, you love her or what?” Joshua tipped up his beer.

  “What kind of question is that?” Ayden swirled his beer at the bottom of the bottle.

  “Dude, your sister barged into my house at three a.m. and pointed a gun at my head. That was how I met her. On some level even at that moment I knew. She’s been bossing me around ever since.” Joshua stretched and stood. “Which reminds me I’m going to make roast for dinner, you guys going to eat here tonight?”

  “No, you two need time alone.” Ayden needed time alone with Charlie.

  “Uh-hu.” Joshua shook his head and went into the kitchen. “The sooner you surrender the better off you’ll be.”

  “Surrender?” Ayden laughed.

  “Yeah. Give it up. She’s the one for you, and you know it. I almost died not telling Evelyn that I loved her.” Joshua pulled a pan out and began preparing the roast. “You’re a smart man. Don’t be stupid.”

  “I’m not stupid. I care for her, but unlike you, I also have an obligation to her. She doesn’t know me well enough to know if she loves me. I know that I care for her, but love?” Ayden stood and stretched. “How the fuck do you know you love someone?”

  “You know,” Joshua said as the door opened. “You just do.”

  Joshua stopped chopping potatoes and went to greet his wife. Charlie wasn’t with her. Ayden watched the two embrace and Joshua fawn over Evelyn. As much as Evelyn grumped about Joshua’s fussing, she sure seemed to enjoy it.

  “Where’s Charlie?” Ayden asked.

  “Your house.” Evelyn looked him over. Ayden was ready to bolt out the door she could tell. Poor guy. If he would just let go, he could be happy. She knew it was going to be tough for him; it was for her. “You coming back for dinner?”

  “No.” Ayden shook his head. “You guys need a break.”

  “Uh-hu.” Evelyn smiled and nodded as Ayden left the house.

  * * *

  Ayden tried not to run up the street, but he moved quickly. Inside Charlie was nowhere to be found. He bounded up the stairs taking them two at a time and found her in her room amongst several shopping bags.

  “What the hell did you buy?” Ayden lifted his brow and leaned in her doorway.

  “Clothes.” Charlie turned and faced him. She could put them away later when he couldn’t see.

  “What do you want for dinner tonight?” Ayden fought the urge to go to her.

  “What do you want?” Charlie locked her knees fighting herself to stay in place.

  “Is that a trick question?” He smiled his wolfish grin.

  “Ayden.” She let out a sigh of exasperation.

  “All right, all right.” He lifted from the door. “I’ll go work on dinner, should be ready in an hour.”

  “Thank you.” Charlie smiled and went back to her shopping bags.

  * * *

  “I don’t think I can eat all of this.” Charlie looked at the plate. It was full of steak and potatoes and a corn cob.

  “I’ll eat what you can’t finish, trust me.” Ayden knew the steaks were big, but he was usually the only one eating them.

  “Do you work tomorrow?” Charlie had to find a way to let him know she was meeting Neal to arrange the schedule.

  “Yes. And I have to take Leon’s cousin Lacy out for dinner tomorrow night.” Ayden grumbled. “I won’t be gone long.”

  “You should take your time. I have plans to meet Neal and go over the schedule.” Charlie took a sip of soda from her glass. “Evelyn arranged for him to pick me up tomorrow and take me out for dinner.”

  “Excuse me?” Ayden leaned toward her.

  “I told her you had a date, and she said that Neal would be happy to get out of the barracks.” Charlie shrugged. If she didn’t know any better, she would think he was jealous.

  “Is that right?” Ayden stabbed the steak with his fork and sliced it more forcefully than necessary with his knife.

  “I have to meet him. I have to work with him.” Charlie tried to fight the sm
ile. He was jealous.

  “When is he picking you up?” Ayden forced a calm tone though his shoulders were already growing tight. He would talk to Neal before he took Charlie anywhere.


  Ayden remained calm and cool on the outside though inside he was tearing apart with feelings he had never really experienced before. He knew Neal, but it didn’t matter. He didn’t want to think of any other man sitting across the table from Charlie, enjoying her company, watching her smile, and listening to her talk.

  “Did you have a good time today?” He tried for a casual persona that he just didn’t have.

  “I had a lot of fun with Evelyn. I’m really looking forward to teaching some dance classes. I miss the exercise.” Charlie knew he was fuming, but she wasn’t going to coddle him right now. She watched him struggle to make peaceful conversation, but the dark side of Ayden was all too familiar to her. When he was an agent and she was locked in that apartment for six months, he did nothing but fume, plan and pace. She would always talk to him and settle him then. Not now.

  Ayden stewed in his thoughts through the rest of the meal. He tried to hold a conversation about the house and the yard and what he had planned to do. His thoughts kept coming back to her. Why in the world was she here with him? He didn’t deserve her, yet he sure as hell didn’t want to see her with another man.

  * * *

  Charlie sat next to him on the couch in her new pajamas and read as he watched television. Ayden had become distant over dinner. He was always moody, and she had seen him in worse moods, so she continued to ignore it and instead read the book Grace had given her. The one she had written about her mother. It was a touching book, and her eyes filled with tears.

  Ayden heard the sniff. He turned to see the single tear stream down her cheek. She wasn’t sad though; she was smiling. It still bothered him that she cried. Unable to stop himself he reached out to her and wiped the tear. He knew she didn’t expect it by her reaction. She blinked at him and let down her smile.

  “Ayden, I miss Michael,” Charlie admitted.