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Ayden's Secret Page 13

  Charlie took the cloth and managed to get most of her clean before asking him for help. Keeping her balance with one foot high in the air was a little more challenging in a slippery bathtub. Ayden’s tub was big. Large enough for two people, but just right for a man of his size.

  “Can you get my back please?” Charlie was frustrated and agitated at his pleasure in her predicament. His smile was kicked up, and he almost laughed. It took all the seduction right out of the moment and left her defeated, again. “This was supposed to be a seduction technique not a stand up routine.”

  “Darlin’, you don’t have to do a whole lot to seduce a man.” Ayden actually laughed. He knew she was working a new angle. He scrubbed her back. “But I do appreciate your efforts.”

  “You are impossible.” Charlie laughed in frustration. If it didn’t take a lot to seduce Ayden, then she had no idea how to get the job done. Ten years she built their friendship and made passing suggestions. He never accepted. She had exposed herself openly several times in the past few days, and he still didn’t bite.

  “Me?” Ayden dipped the cloth in the water and watched the soap slide down her long lean back. Charlie was completely naked, and she wanted him. He knew he liked her, but he also knew she thought she loved him. He wouldn’t take advantage just because she wanted him to. “I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop, darlin’. You have been pulling out all the stops, and that won’t last. We need to learn about each other. Not just, go at it like two teenagers. There’s too much at stake. If all I wanted was to get laid, I could have done that several times over by now and not just with you.”

  “Excuse me?” Charlie felt a little indignant. Yes, she had come on a little strong, but that was because ten years of polite conversation had gotten her nowhere. How could he lump her in the same category as other women?

  “You heard me.” Ayden was still teasing.

  “Well, you won’t have to worry about that anymore.” Charlie pushed his butt off the tub with her shoulder in a quick nudge causing him to scramble to his feet. She pulled the stopper with her toes, and as the water drained down, her temper raised up.

  “Worry about what? What’s wrong with you?” Ayden stood there bemused.

  “Will you hand me that towel?” Charlie brought her stitched foot into the tub standing like a flamingo. Once all the water had drained, she stood with one hand ready to snatch the towel.

  “Charlie… what is it?” Ayden handed her the towel and noticed a new expression. One he had never seen before on Charlie.

  “You dare lump me in with the rest of those hookers you’ve been dating. I’ve known you for over ten years, Ayden. So yes, maybe I did come on a little strong, but don’t worry. The fire’s out now.” She wrapped the towel around herself and climbed out of the big tub refusing his help. Her foot was a little sore to walk on, but she wasn’t about to be all girly in front of him right now. Oh no, he wanted the other shoe to drop. Well, he was getting it, right on his toes.


  “And pulling out the stops, I haven’t done anything for you I didn’t plan to do everyday from now on. But I may just rethink that plan now.” Charlie headed across the hall to her bedroom. Ayden was right behind her.

  “You’re sleeping in here?” Ayden wanted her to sleep in his bed, so he could tend to her. He was trying to pamper her, but now he had apparently made her mad. Shit, the other shoe was in his mouth along with his foot.

  “Oh yes, I’d hate to rush you.” Charlie shut the door in his face and then limped to the bed. She wanted to cry. She wanted to scream. She wanted to open the door and ask him in, but she knew better. Apparently, Ayden had women throwing themselves at him, and she had made the same mistake. It was time to regroup.

  Ayden started to knock on the door, but people were trailing back in downstairs. He would have to deal with Charlie later, in private.

  * * *

  Ayden headed down to mingle with the family.

  Stephanie practically bulldozed over him to get up the stairs.

  “You okay?” Ayden grabbed her arm halting her for a second.

  “Fine.” Stephanie raised her eyebrows suspiciously and tugged free. “Is she in her room?”

  “Yep.” Ayden shook his head and gave up. Women were not on his communication plane today.

  At Charlie’s door, Stephanie knocked softly then heard the sobs and opened it anyways. Charlie was wrapped in a towel dripping wet and her foot was bleeding. She had busted a stitch stomping back to her room.

  “What happened?” Stephanie sat next to her.

  “I busted a stitch. It hurts, but I’m not telling him that. Jerk. God.” Charlie wiped her eyes and looked at Stephanie. “He said if he just wanted sex he could have already had it several times with other women. What does that mean? That he doesn’t know me any better than a stranger he meets or goes on a blind date with? All this time I was afraid I didn’t know enough about him, he doesn’t know me at all.”

  “Men are ridiculous. Malcolm’s the same way. He won’t consummate our marriage because we eloped, and he feels bad. The whole reason we eloped was to have sex. Now I’m married and still a virgin!” Stephanie hugged Charlie.

  “Malcolm doesn’t want to hurt you. He wants to make sure you don’t regret one single moment with him.” Charlie smiled. The poor guy had acted on a moment of passion, fueled by Stephanie, and then realized all too late the consequences.

  “I know.” Stephanie shrugged. “I guess Ayden’s the same. He didn’t say he didn’t want you, right? He just wants you to know that it’s not just sex he’s after. That’s a good thing, right?”

  “When you put it that way, I guess it is.” Charlie laughed. “I’m so used to being naked, or almost naked, around guys who are always wanting more. Being in that environment for so long I forget he’s different in that way. Maybe because I have wanted him for so long I just turned into one of those groping guys that the waitresses at the casino always complain about.”

  “Me too. We’re pigs, Charlie, shameless horn dogs. If we were men, we’d be appalled by our actions. I’m practically forcing a man to have sex with me.” Stephanie laughed. “It seems absurd, but it’s true.”

  “You’re right. I mean if he took all his clothes off and masturbated in front of me, I would have thought he was a pervert.” Charlie was laughing harder now.

  “Poor Malcolm, he’s afraid to be in a room alone with me because I constantly try to corner him.” Stephanie wiped the tears now breaking through the laughs.

  “Look at us!” Charlie laughed.

  The women continued to laugh and talk upstairs. Downstairs Ayden found Malcolm on the back porch. He had a pack of cigarettes stashed for emergencies, and Charlie had him in the frame of mind to smoke. One minute they were laughing and playing, the next she was sleeping alone. His gut was tearing in half over it. He knew they needed to take things slow, but at the same time, he really wanted to be with her because she felt so comfortable.

  * * *

  Malcolm jumped when Ayden landed a hand on his shoulder.

  “You all right?” Ayden asked.

  “Yeah.” He bobbed his head looking around toward the door. “Stephanie has me a little jumpy right now.”

  “I feel your pain.” Ayden sat on the steps instead of in a chair.

  “No, believe me. This is my personal hell.” Malcolm opened the screen and shut the back door completely sealing him and Ayden off from the family inside. “Can you keep a secret?”

  “I’ve been known to.” Ayden smiled.

  “I know, but I mean a family secret.” Malcolm considered it then blurted. “We’re married. Stephanie tricked me. She got me all worked up and then at a moment I couldn’t say no… Bam.” Malcolm hit his fist to his hand for emphasis.

  “So what’s the problem?” Ayden relaxed, a little squabble with Charlie was nothing compared to the kid’s problem. At least Charlie wasn’t chasing him down the aisle.

  “I can’t… you know.
” Malcolm was looking at the door again. “You know.”

  “Oh. I see. Nerves?” Ayden asked seriously.

  “No, I mean look… I’ve never, and she’s never. I want to make sure she doesn’t regret it. If we go home and get married in the church like she has planned since she was a little girl, no problem. Now, if we do this, I have to lie to my grandfather, the minister, and so will she.” Malcolm paced the porch. “I must seem like a prude, a wimp, an idiot…”

  “No, you seem like a man of character. Not a lot of us around.” Ayden leaned against the rail. “Want me to put you out of your misery?”

  “How?” Malcolm stopped and faced him.

  “Your marriage isn’t legal. Charlie told me and I made a call. That guy’s not a minister or a justice of the peace, so you’re not married. This is North Carolina not Las Vegas. Tell her you called about picking up the license, and they explained the scam.” Ayden watched as Malcolm’s whole body relaxed. The kid had stuck to his convictions and good thing too as, they would have regretted it. “How much were you out?”

  “Two hundred.” Malcolm sat in the chair on the porch. “Why would someone do that?”

  “Military town, easy money, once enough people show up to pick up a license and don’t get one, he’ll move on.” Ayden nodded. “Women are ferocious when they want something.”

  “Yeah, Stephanie seemed so meek and mild, a little on the diva side when it comes to maintenance, but always a lady. Now, I have to watch my ass, seriously.” Malcolm shook his head.

  “Well, don’t piss her off or you’ll go from burning hot passion to ice cold showers in no time.” Ayden spoke from recent experience. “Good luck, kid.”

  Malcolm thanked Ayden and headed back in the house. He felt safer now that he wasn’t married. He could look Joshua in the eye again, and once Stephanie knew the truth about her nuptials, she was sure to cool off.

  Ayden enjoyed the breeze that kicked up and the rustling of people in his home. It wasn’t so bad having family around, especially the kind that was headed out the door after him now.

  “Ayden, Ayden!” Gray and Chase Jr. stopped in front of him. “We saw the fireworks.”

  The toddlers were awake well past bedtime and it showed. He talked to them and listened to the play by play of the entire firework display. Once Ethan came to retrieve them, he said his goodnights and farewells to everyone. Noel and Tom climbed the stairs with Page already sound asleep and turned in for the night.

  * * *

  Ayden locked all the doors and checked the windows. He was tired, but he didn’t want to go to bed. He at least wanted to make sure Charlie didn’t need anything. Outside her door, he tapped lightly. Maybe she was asleep and he could just go to bed and not have to deal with it tonight.

  “Come in.” Charlie was wide awake and reading. Noel and Tom had said goodnight, and Noel put a butterfly stitch where the other had popped out. It might make a wider scar, but it was so small already Charlie didn’t care. Who would be looking at her feet anyways?

  “I brought you a glass of water.” Ayden made the peace offering. “How’s your foot?”

  “Thank you.” Charlie took the glass and sat it on the nightstand. Ayden was reaching for her foot when she pulled it back not wanting him to see. He caught the foot and lifted it for inspection. “Fine.”

  “What happened?”

  “Apparently you shouldn’t throw a temper tantrum with stitches in your foot.” Charlie pulled her foot away from his scrutiny.

  “Hmmm.” Ayden crossed his arms and looked down at her. She was wearing some little green silk nightgown looking so feminine and tasty. “I’m not sure what happened earlier. I’m sorry if I said anything that… well, I don’t want you to be mad.”

  “I’m not.” Charlie was over it.

  “Good.” Ayden was out of reasons to be in her room. Charlie made no move to coerce him into bed like he’d hoped she would. He began to wonder if she was lying about not being mad. He wanted to sleep with her tonight. Last night he had the most restful sleep he could remember. No nightmares, no dreams at all, just a peaceful solid sleep. He cleared his throat. “Well, I guess that’s goodnight then.”

  “Goodnight, Ayden.” Charlie wasn’t about to ask him to sleep with her. Of course, she wanted him to. She desperately wanted to curl up on his chest and put an end to a long day. Maybe she needed to look for an apartment because it wouldn’t be easy to take things slow when they shared the same living space.

  “Goodnight, darlin’.” Ayden leaned over her and kissed her forehead. He pulled himself away and walked out her door. It took all of his effort to push his body out of her space. Once in his room he plopped onto the bed and prepared for a restless night. He was already thinking of reasons to go back to her room.

  Chapter 13

  The doorbell rang.

  Ayden was only half asleep when the doorbell rang. He looked at the clock and realized it was two in the morning. Alert and alarmed he was on his feet and down the stairs. At the door, he greeted Evelyn.

  “Is everything all right?” Ayden looked her over and then past her to the quiet street.

  “No.” Evelyn felt like a maniac, completely consumed with her thoughts. “I know it’s two in the morning, but I need cookies.”

  “Cookies? What the hell are you talking about, darlin’?” Ayden stepped back and watched her tromp inside.

  Evelyn went to his counter and searched for the cookies Noel had sent him. They were in the cookie jar. Thank God. She picked up the whole jar and took one out. “I feel crazy. It’s like I have to have them.”

  “Well, I have to admit you do look kinda crazy.” Ayden laughed. Evelyn was in her pajamas, her hair was half out of the braid she wore, and she had on Joshua’s sandals. “What happened to your stash?”

  “I ate them all. I had one left last night. Tonight I kept telling myself that I didn’t really want them, but I did.” Evelyn clung to the cookie jar. “I’m sorry. I feel like a fool, but I knew you had some.”

  “It’s all right. Noel made Tom go out about two hours ago to pick up tacos.” Ayden sat at the kitchen table. This was why he was here. Moments like this, when he could actually be a big brother to Evelyn. The woman had been a survivor all her life. She didn’t trust men until she met Joshua, and she had been very selective since then. “You can take ‘em all.”

  “Oh I planned to.” Evelyn laughed. “Joshua is going to kill me for sneaking down here in the middle of the night.”

  “I’m glad you did.” Ayden tapped his fingers on the table. “So you gave Charlie a job?’

  “Yeah, I probably should have talked to you about that first.” Evelyn put the lid back on the cookie jar and held it in her lap. She wasn’t used to asking anyone for permission. The last year had been quite an adjustment. Marrying Joshua was a huge change, then having Ayden determined to be in her life. For a woman who spent years pushing men away she was effectively drawing them in now.

  “No, it’s your shop. What will she be doing?” Ayden really wanted to know what Evelyn thought of her, but he was working into that.

  “Cut the shit, Wolf.” Evelyn looked at him directly and smiled.

  “How do you do that?” Ayden leaned forward and crossed his arms on the table.

  “Ayden.” Evelyn was getting sleepy again, and everyone was leaving tomorrow. Ayden had a lot on his mind, and he never beat around the bush, until now. Charlie really had an effect on him.

  “All right, damn woman.” Ayden put his head face down and muffled his words. “I like her.”

  “I know.” Evelyn understood Ayden completely. He had been a loner for so long. Loving family was safe. Loving someone else was dangerous.

  “I promised Michael that I would look after her, I would keep her safe.” Ayden felt the tension in his chest. “I can’t risk it.”

  “No, you won’t risk it. There’s a difference.” Evelyn touched the top of his head. It was a real honor to be privy to Ayden’s trust. “I like her A
yden, a lot. She’s honest and sweet, most of all she adores you. Insufferable ogre that you are.”

  “So what happens when I’m not perfect anymore?” Ayden grumbled.

  “You’ll always be perfect to her. Just like Joshua will always be perfect to me. He has flaws. He snores, he’s over protective, and even though he knows I can take care of myself he still insists on doing so many things.” Evelyn patted his head. “Let her take care of you, Ayden. You deserve that.”

  He lifted his head. “How did you know she was trying to take care of me?”

  “She told me the first night. She told us all that she was here to take care of you for as long as you’d let her. If you didn’t let her in, she was going back to Sweden or Switzerland?” Evelyn waved her hand in the air. Was Ayden really this blind?

  “She didn’t tell me that.” Ayden felt a new sense of alarm. Charlie was so drastic in her plans, and he didn’t want to think of her leaving him.

  “Well I have to admit it sent up a stalker flag for me, so I had her checked out.” Evelyn confessed. “She’s clean, Ayden. There was no reason for her to leave Vegas, except you. Once she told us about the meeting each year and your snazzy hairdos I knew she wasn’t a threat to you.”

  “I’ve been tempted to run the check, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.” Ayden put his head back down. “I’m glad you like her.”

  “I need to get home before Joshua comes looking for me in his underwear.” Evelyn stood holding onto the cookie jar. Watching Ayden made her miss Joshua. She needed to run home and tell him how much she loved him. “I’m glad you straightened that whole Malcolm and Stephanie thing out. I really didn’t want to get involved.”

  “Do you know everything?” Ayden looked at her with total appreciation.

  “I know what I have to know to keep Malcolm alive on this vacation.” Evelyn nodded and then rolled a shoulder admitting the truth. “I overheard Stephanie talking to the guy on the phone by accident. When I went to check to see if they were actually married, they told me about the scam and that they were closing in on the guy.”